I have got Gold membership.But whenever I try to connect to servers it says they are unavailable now at both games(Forza 5 and Horizon 2).Is there anyway to fix this? I want to play Forza games online , I can play other games online and I have gold subscription too.
I sent Turn10 an email.They didn’t replied it! I opened topic no answer! Chatted with Microsoft and they adviced me to do them.What should or what can I do now?
There was an Xbox One update a couple of days ago which could be your problem. Try a hard reset - shut down your Xbox then turn off it off at the power point.
So any moderators not interested? What should I do? My friend can play well but I can’t because of a strange error.Getting same error with Forza 5 as well as it’s a Turn 10 game too, strange , really!
What do you expect the moderators to do? We are not Turn 10 employees. We don’t fix technical issues with the games. We moderate the forums and make sure people follow the rules here. We off advice on how to take care of things at times as we can.
So what can I do there? I couldn’t contact to them with email.Sent 3 times but got no reply.I cant remember how many times I chatted with Microsoft this week…
@BBTD MitchyK7 , I tried that.Also forwarded ports to Xbox one.I can play online Fifa 15 with same account so it’s not a Gold membership issue.If I try this with anouther account on same Xbox One , can it effect something?
For our enjoyment…Yea that’s it. We really enjoy taking flak for simply doing our job.
We have advised people all over the place on where they can give feedback. There have been threads posted where the development team can see them Not to mention ones staff members have started and posted in.
You are welcome to try sending one of the team members a private message to see if they can help you.
Okay, I now understand that our issues are being heard but I guess my real question is, and I’m not sure if you can answer it (that’s where I think we get hung up): Is anything being done about the issues, specifically x360 version, because I’m experiencing game-breaking amounts of bugs w/ zero updates.
I think that’s why most of us are upset with the developers and at times we may take it out on you mods. It’s not right and for that, I apologize.
Is there a list somewhere of these team members who could help with issues? If so could you either point us to it or list who they are?
Edit: you could try this email I found here for help issues Forzafb@microsoft.com
Isn’t there supposed to be a person who relays these issues and messages to the people that matter i.e. the development team? Otherwise, what’s the point? Are we just listing our issues for the moderators’ enjoyment? If so, please advise me on where I can give feedback where the development team will see it.
If you connect to the internet using a router, then put it in modem mode and only connect your xbox one to it. Then try and connect. This will see if it’s your routers firewall causing an issue. It takes 5 minutes and at least you’ll know one way or another.
If it works, then you can try port forwarding on your router to get Forza to work.
@EdHunter, it will not affect anything if you make a second profile on the xbox to try and play online. Some people have been doing that since day one.
If that’s something related with machine so I should make a replacement… But there should be another solution.By the way I sent email to that address ( forzafb@microsoft.com ) 3 times ! They didnt answer it.Is there any list of the team members?
Strangly I was able to play Online Forza Horizon 2 last night.I entered to club , played online and after a while It’s gone again.What should I do to fix this? Nat type is open.
I chatted with Microsoft again yesterday and they suggested again to contact Turn 10.Is there any direct link except forzafb@microsoft.com that I can contact to devs or support of Turn 10? This forum can’t find a solution it looks like…