FORZA DEVS, READ THIS: We are sick and tired of the lack of effort from the devs put into this game

For sure! I have like 70 days in fh4, 35 in fh5, 60 some in fh1 on my og 360 without live thou sadly for fh1… not even counting the other titles… hadnt had one thought where i felt cheated

Yeah you never know when it comes to that stuff. Heck a company could get upset about the amount of body roll and wanna get out of the license lol

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I played fh4 basically every day from launch to release of 5… I might have missed a total of like… 15 days where I didn’t play at all.

With 5 it’s nearly the same with maybe 1-2 less days per week but it’s more a lack of time than want

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I feel you there… my fh5 is going to be less due to my college schedule this year but regardless always get excited after a long day to relax and prep for some good times

Maybe im just the calm type but i dont necessarily understand why these rage posts are bombarding the forums. Causing fires to spread honestly better to communicate peacefully.

Congratulations PGG. You brought FH4 to Mexico and somehow made the community wait 3 years for the absolute WORST Horizon game known to date. You have changed absolutely nothing. You are only catering to new and inexperienced players just to make an extra dime by telling them that they are getting ‘new’ content. Have you SEEN your online player count? It’s shameful that most of us have played this series all our lives just to see it crumble and fall apart over the years. If you TRULY care about your players do the following

  1. Listen to what these forums have to tell you. This is YOUR player base and if you keep this up you won’t HAVE a player base anymore

  2. Lay down on the hype. You hyped up this Donut Media update for MONTHS and all we got was some map props and an awful story with no new cars.

  3. Stop the drip feeding. As a collective, this is the top discussion on your new forum. If you keep up the recycled cars which are genuinely awful. Who in the hell wants to drive a Morris traveler in the middle of the desert in Mexico? We want excitement with updates instead of these old boring cars. There are tons of great cars that have been out for years that you probably already have licensing for that would be GREAT additions to the game. It pains me to say this but if NFS improves its physics engine in their next game Forza will die. I mean hell where is FM8??

  4. Execute. This is barely a foundation of what is needed to bring this game back to what it could be. You were doing so well for the first few months with some customization you brought to the game. For the few cars that customization was offered, we were really excited until we found out Rocket Bunny was gone. If the rumors are true that you held Rocket Bunny from us for over a year well it backfired massively. If anything it hurt your game more than it helped.

Good luck PGG. A lot of your player base grew up on these games and as we have gotten older we have gotten smarter now it’s your turn to grow up.


Whether it comes from the root or comes from the leaves doesn’t matter. We can’t keep defending this franchise whether it is the developers or the management. Horizon 5 was in the works for 3 years and we basically got a new map and lost tons of content at launch which they tried to replace. Stop defending them because what will happen is they won’t change and we will get a third month of recycled BS.


What does this mean in this case… most legacy players i speak to are actually enjoying Fh5…

Maybe what do you prefer would be a better question? If you get a late license what would u do?

I have played every T10 game (except FMS 1) extensively. Horizon 1 is still my favorite with FMS 4 right up there. I still play Horizon 1 on a regular basis. I have never tired of a T10 game as quickly as I have tired of Horizon 5. I had had enough by week 4 and now play it only minimally. For me it is just same-o same-0 and provides little to no entertainment for me. Horizon 5 is a hollow shell of what the franchise use to be. I might be more inclined to play more if it were more exciting AND if I could bypass ALL the cutscenes.

At this point I get much more enjoyment from playing “The Crews”, especially Crew 2 rather than playing FH5.


What would u recommend they would do… legacy player to legacy player… did you enjoy fh1s storyline more with the head to head and emphasis on the wristband based progression or (Thats why fh1 was my favorite)? By more exciting what specifically are you inferring to? Couldnt skip cutscenes in previous titles either is there something in particular that makes you want it more in fh5?

You don’t seem to fully understand game development which is understandable since almost nobody does unless they have done it.

First they don’t need to sell anything… They sold very well during year 1 and that’s with it being a day1 gamepass title.

Every racing game that gets a sequel recycles content… It wouldn’t make sense to rebuild every car or object from scratch, especially in an every other year release window. That doesn’t really give them 3 years. Part of the team continues making content for the just released game, that’s coders, artists, writers etc. Some of the team make engine upgrades if possible but modifying an engine that fast isn’t some simple task. The lighting engine updates alone probably took a group of 30 a couple months. That’s not even accounting for the RT.

They also have to fit this massive game into VRAM on the base xb1 while also somehow having enough CPU, GPU & system memory… That was likely a significant hurdle especially with the new style assets and the massive difference in IO Between an SSD using direct storage and resizable bar vs a 5400rpm HDD lol

Getting this out on 4 platforms in that time window… Amazing. Lastly it’s a RACING GAME… What’s your hangup with story? What would you have done with donut in the month or 2 they had to work on content? I’d love to hear ideas and there’s zero sarcasm there.

How do you use donut without making it boring?

Go play uncharted or god of war if you’re after story.

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No the 1000 series isn’t. It’s not dx12 t2 compliant to begin with and how much VRAM do they have? This game likes 8, at min for 1080p medium which is pretty crazy considering some of the details

P.s im not trying to upset you or sound rude I just want to understand your pov on this and preferences as we all have different preferences

But using recycled cars as back up in case licensing gets delayed for example is extremely smart to keep pushing the playlist content out imo. Putting all the cars in the autoshow sounds like alot of extra stress for the team as they cant use it for a backup. Licensing in general is complicated and takes alot of time. Also if we included all the previous cars we would easily exceed the 1000 mark

Theres a ton… this is my wip. It showcases how cars are reintroduced and you can create a likelihood of what will return!396&authkey=!AOdmxlUYka2uH8Y&ithint=file%2Cxlsx&e=DhGArz

(Plz disregard Mercedes lol i still need to fix it) some of the older titles classed mercedes as just mercedes and didnt break it up into benz and amg yet


My #1 recommendation: return to what made Horizon 1 great. I would love to see that game on the new engine AND with the ability to drive cross country more. Give us more of Club 1000. Give me a better feeling of progression rather than 'hey, look, another set of mindless weekly tasks, most of which I have done already ad nauseum.

#2 Stop dummying down the game so that it takes very little skill now to do most of the tasks. I am really not all that good, probably just above average so I would think I should be struggling more or atleast not be able to nail most of the tasks first time I try. Give me a sense of accomplishment when I complete tasks. fwiw, I have nailed all but the Eliminator achievements in Horizon 5, yet there are still plenty of tasks in Horizon 1 (rally portion) that I have yet to master.

#3. Tone down all the kumbya stuff.

“More Exciting?” I really don’t have a good answer for that question. I just know I still get more excitement and joy playing Horizon 1 and am bored out of my gourd with Horizon 5. One thing I really enjoyed in Horizon 1 was the weekly scavenger hunts that Johniwanna had for us every week. They really weren’t part of the official game, but wow, how I loved them. A couple of seasons ago Crew 2 had something similar called Stories where you had to drive from a very specific destination to another very specific destination, many of which took some time to locate (a la scavenger hunt).

“Cut scenes” You are correct, I can not skip them in earlier T10 titles either (although I can in other racing games), but they are just so much more cringeworthy in Horizon 5 for me. I find them plain contrived, very annoying, very irritating and a complete waste of my time. That is why I wish for the ability to skip them, so I don’t have to mute the sound in the game.


Thank you for responding! Do you think that Fh1s Nostalgia also plays a big role into what makes it exciting? I remember those scavenger hunts those were so cool. For me looking back at Fh1 remembering the mixed feelings everyone was feeling about an open world at the time and seeing what it had become really is nostalgic for me.

As for making it really easy… sadly thats just the way any racing game (outside of sims) are going anymore. Including in there accessibility for those disabled and such. All torwards the goal of making Horizon more of a fun for everyone simcade where motorsports is looked at as the competitive scene.


Another thing I love to do is explore every area of the map, including the nearly inaccessible areas and areas that most players would have little reason to visit. For me there are many, many cool items placed around the game that unfortunately most will never see. I started doing this when trying to find all the hidden skill and travel boards. This has not been as much fun for me in Horizon 5, especially compared with Horizon 3 and 4 as I am not convinced that as much time was invested in scenery in H5 compared with the earlier games. Heck, even though I can not go cross county in Horizon 1, there are still on road areas that very nearly take my breath away such as the route to Red Rock and that area where you drive through the mountains and end up at the water. I just haven’t found all that many “wow” areas in the Horizon 5 map. (OK, I do quite like that area in the middle and right bottom of the Horizon 5 map for exploring).


Actually there are quite a few tricks and cool places to explore out of bounds in fh4 and fh5… i dont really remember exploring fh3 out of bounds wise. Technically it doesnt break tos so its technically allowed but probably shouldnt mention the tricks to explore these locations since it would be promoting bugs/glitches (awww man couldnt find the lego picture i was looking for)… but heres a shot from on top the cliff in fh4. Its absolutely gorgeous the view from up there.


Who cares if it’s not compliant, it works, you can play FH5 on any 1000 card with over 4GB of VRAM at 1080p60 (Low details tbf, but frames are more important for racing games, and the game still doesn’t look bad)

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Yeah, the stories are heavily pushed by the developers onto us but they are usually a chore that sucks the life out of you. The dialogue is pretty much always insufferable to listen to, and the characters indeed speak like it’s a game targeted for 5 year olds. Seasonal championships are also right up there when it comes to painful chores.


Well that is a good thing, but what forza does is they always hype the fans up. about updates being huge with brand new content, then they just recycle old stuff in from previous games. But yes what ur saying is sort of correct