Forza 7 Please for PC

I Hope next time They Make Forza 7 for PC Full Game With a Price Tag this time
I Played Forza 1 & 4 and at my Cousin i played Forza Motorsports 5
But Apex left me Wanting more i do understand it’s free but couldn’t they make a full game instead Of a free one with lot’s of things missing
they should of called Forza Motorsports Free Edition
with 70% cut down of Features I love it still but it feels Empty
but at least they are Heading in the right direction importing a Forza Game to PC :smiley:

Who Agrees with me

I believe it’s already been confirmed that all future Forza games will be released on both PC and Xbox platforms :slight_smile:

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Let’s Hope it will be a full version next time

Turn 10 and MS have already confirmed that all future Forza titles beginning with Horizon 3 will be both Windows 10 PC and Xbox moving forward. Therefore, you can expect Forza 7 on PC in 2017 as a full game. Forza 6 Apex is more or less a beta and a test for Forza on PC. It was never meant to be a full game and Turn 10 never said it would be.