forza 5 - controller destroyer?

I destroyed the steering stick of six xbox one controller with playing forza 5 in six weeks. Something has broken inside… have anyone the same problems?
i play forza since 5 years and i never destroyed a controller at the 360…

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A controller a week? blimey.

Wow, someone is seriously overly aggressive. Treat your controller like a lady, why would you ever need to hammer the stick so hard to break it anyway?

Personally I only ever replaced my 360 controller once, and that saw me through FM3 and 4 - even then I only replaced it because it just felt old and tired, nothing broke on it.

The Xbox One controller feels a little flimsy compared to 360, but I don’t think it’s too weak. Maybe you’re just too strong?

I have never seen that in particular, but I do know guys who are a bit heavy handed in the things they do, and wonder why their stuff doesn’t work right or whatever.

The last brand new controller dies yesterday after playing 15 minutes forza multiplayer… grrrrrr

Thats what happens when you bounce em across room after being rammed of track for the umpteenth time by some pleb who thinks Forza is demolition derby.

I can honestly say I have NEVER heard of anyone having close to that problem. 6 controllers in 6 weeks, if somehow that would be true then I say it’s a user issue not a hardware issue.


I JUST saw that movie again last weekend. just as funny today as when I first saw it a long time ago. My dad was a USAF fighter pilot and he LOVED that movie.

Anyhow, if folks haven’t seen Dr Strangelove they need to see it.

As far as breaking 6 controllers?

I am a big guy 6’4 250 and pretty aggressive as a person and breaking a controller while playing. I have to ask- does “playing” or typical use in your mind include throwing the controller on the ground as hard as possible every time the Use X to Rewind message appears? Just in case that is the issue- playing does not include throwing, spiking, stomping, kicking tossing, dropping (from tall buildings)

The only thing I will say about Forza and the controller is that the rechargeable batteries run out of juice a little quicker but I expect that is because of all the different rumble motors working overtime. I have never broken a thumbstick off of a controller ever. Even my original 360 one still works from launch and that one has been dropped several times from various heights.

Whatever batteries they used for the launch Boxes, they worked forever. Now no matter what I use, I find I’m replacing a lot more often.

What are you doing to the poor sticks? I’ve never replaced a controller and I’ve been playing Forza since #3.

a thirty year old butcher just has no hands like a woman…

How are a 30 year old butcher’s feet? Get a wheel and pedals because you could have bought one by now.

Trust me, I’m a 44 year old carpenter that has been working with his hands for over 30 years. I have a grip that will make anyone cry their eyes out. I did break my first controller (about ten days after I bought it) just as you are describing. Its because I was being a jackass and white knuckling everything. No offense, but its not the controller’s fault, its you. The car won’t go further in either direction if you push the stick harder. You need to train yourself to relax when you’re playing the game. I know its not easy for someone with strong hands, but you can do it. If I can, anyone can…

I think you need a Thrustmaster TX controller!

Wow. I do think the XB1 controller feels a little flimsy compared to the 360 but 6 already?

I did break a 360 controller once, actually I blame COD World at War, veteran difficulty and the floor for that one.


I agree, it does feel cheaper, but I have yet to split it in half even if it feels like it might at any moment…I tried my 360 controller earlier and I can’t wait to put a XB1 controller in my hands! * never thought I would say that*

I have the Thrustmaster TX wheel and it has its own set of issues. I’m actually on my second one because the first went up in smoke. There’s a glitch between Forza 5/XB 1 and the T-master wheel where the rumble mysteriously disappears and returns, usually mid-race. It has died between races too, being there at the end of one race and gone at the start of the next. Still, it beats controller racing for me.

6 is very excessive. The controllers are great in every aspect other than build quality. They are very flimsy and mine has creaked since the moment it came out if the box. It is also very light weight and doesnt inspire the same confidence as the 360 pad.

But i dont see how you woukd break the stick, let alone 6 times, without some serious abuse.

My Day One controller had to be exchanged after a few weeks, as the steering stick began to track left, but that was three almost solid weeks of playing 4+ hours per day, and I may have been a little heavy handed.
