Fortune Island spring seasonal not awarding wheelspin rewards

Not much more to be said than the thread-title. I won the ‘Southland Super Scramble’ against Expert drivatars, and didn’t get any of the three wheelspins. “Firstworld problems” and all that, but I thought I’d mention it.

Did it show as completed before you ran it? Probably related, there’s a thread in the Discussion forum about it.

Hmmm, that is interesting. I cannot answer your question, because I did not think to check prior to starting the event. But what you say certainly fits. I’ve found the other thread; will head over there.

No rewards for me too @ fortune island. It shows me that i have completed all spring events, but i didnt. In GB theres no problem only fortune island

Not showing completed here, but not giving the wheespins on completion…

Sorry, but I have exactly the same problem, but I could not find the thread. Is it part of another thread like discussion about spring season or so? Can someone give me a link to the related thread, please?

To answer my own question:–Forzathon-challenges–Shop-stock–events–and-new-cars-through-January-17.aspx?=

No, it’s