[Mod Edit - please use separate threads to discuss separate games in their respective subforums - MM]
I haven’t played Forza Motorsport 7 for over a year because the game broke. I start up FM7 and it kept on freezing with a static sound every time I start a race. The game was unplayable and I let it sit on the shelf until just recently, but when I played it, the game still had lots of loading problems and the freezing in the beginning of the race that takes you back to the home menu still happens.
I love the Forza games despite their problems and will enjoy playing them as long as there is new stuff that you don’t have to work constantly every week for, and if fans could have more of a say of what should be in a Forza game. With the new Xbox console in the works, I’m optimistic for the future of the franchise. As for Forza Motorsport 7, I need help to stop the freezing (with the static loud noise that then takes me to the home menu) so some support and resolutions would be appreciated.
Thank you for your attention with these issues.