Hey Guys.
I think many of you have met stuttering with high graphic settings in PC when you play the game.
It bother me for several months and seems come suddenly because never happened before.
Now I find the root cause what cause stuttering.
My hardware:
AMD 5900X
RX 6800
64GB memory
950pro ssd (pcie3.0)
3 pcs WD green 2TB (sata 3)
It looks good and absoutly the FPS could be stable when I set graphics at Ultra level @ 4K
But stuttering happens always, no matter simple track or Dubai track like. There must be bottleneck in my hardware.
Finally I find that it is the SATA 3 SSD. The workload is very high. I have two monitors and I can open task monitor too see what happened during stuttering. Yes, it is the SSD. This does not mean that WD green 2TB is not good. It is good choice for gaming, not high price but enough space to install game.
At the begining, the stuttering could not happened, because the SSD is nearly empty with few games, softwares or files in it. But after a period using the SSD, it comes to be full and I leave only 200GB free in this SSD.
Acutally, for thess kind SSD I see suggestion that you need to leave at least 20% free space to ensure the reading speed.
Yes, I delete some games and leave the free space upto 20%. Yes, the stuttering nearly disapeared.
You must see I use “nearly”. Correct, although FM7 is an old game but it seems requiring high reading speed when you run the game @ 4K.
You can set Ultra graphics setting in the game except two the track details and the generation of the people and trees. these two setting should be set to low if you are not goting to upgrade your harddisk.
After that I add a new pcie 4.0 M.2 SSD to my computer and reinstall the game into it. Everything is set to Ultra, it never stutters. You see the bottleneck is the reading speed of your harddisk.
Maybe you think the pcie 4.0 M.2 SSD price is too high to you. It is ok for using pcie 3.0 M.2 SSD.
Because My new pice 4.0 M.2 SSD is plug into pcie 3.0 port in the motherboard.
Same as FH5, you need high reading speed SSD to set extreme enviroment graphics setting.
Hope this subject could help someone is still bothered by Stuttering.