FM Update 8.0 Overview - Track Toys Tour and Mobil 1 partnership | 13 May 2024

I just started a freeplay race on Nordschleife and picked the wrong weather condition it was a rainstorm well the weather pattern all the way to the right. Then i changed the weather in the event settings and it immediatly changed the weather to that without a loadscreen.

It always been like that? Because if I remember correctly, I usually always had to do a reload of the track.

If that is really a new thing, that is one thing they did right for a change. :+1:

If you only changed the weather, or time of day, it would switch without the loading screen. The game has always done that.


Loading screen is for changing track or layout.

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Ah okay thanks. I must have thought of FM7 about the weather changes then.

I just experienced a long loadscreen again, so that bug is back too. It’s great they keep adding solved bugs back into the game…

Yeah, many things take longer than before for me since update 8:
• the start-up & “optimizing shaders” screen takes longer than before
• track loading screens in career now sometimes take a couple minutes
• the “applying tune, please wait” delay now often takes around 10 seconds
• changing fuel load from the pre-race “fuel & tires” screen now sometimes gets stuck for almost a minute as it’s “updating” its estimated lap time for the new fuel amount.



I just applied a tuning and that also TOOK 2 MINUTES, FIX IT!

Edit: After applying it I first lost connection to the servers, then got connection again and then the game crashed to desktop.

It’s a really good quality product this game…

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Get rid of fake branding already.

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So I read a comment on youtube under the current update overview video which said “These ain’t no content updates, they’re just monthly playlists.” And i’ve been sharing basically more or less the same opinion when it comes to horizon as well. But im not going to repeat it here, i just wanted to give my reasoning for what prompt me to write the following comment.

I think FM could use a restructuring of the way they do post launch. I’ve vaguely written about this in regards to horizon in the past so it’s basically the same idea. But i’ll try to explain it more in-depth.

Post launch updates should basically be split into 2 parts. A main update which could release say every 2-3 months and a smaller update that releases monthly. The idea here is that big features like a new racetrack or a proximity radar go into the “main” big update and the refreshed featured multiplayer, rivals, bug fixes and all of this stuff into the smaller monthly update. This way your team can have more time to work on things and actually be able to bring more significant changes quicker rather than just every month receiving basically the same rehashed base game.

And we know we’re getting this stuff regardless and we’ll continue to get it in the forseeable future. Players won’t forget about forza’s existence if the classic monthly updates started to not require an entire “forza monthly” show so they can be presented and it’s already happening anyway.

This is inspirted by a free to play Moba game where it works quite well. And I know it’s far fetched to expect that ammount of content in a racing game, especially on a regular basis. At least this way players know exactly what they’re getting and there’s no false expectations. And obviously when the game starts to get older the “big/main update” will slow down and not follow the same 2-3 months release schedule but that’s honestly to be expected.

They already do it like that. Since lately every odd version number puts a new track into the game, but the non odd numbers don’t. So every two months we got something bigger and only smaller updates in the months between.

Update 2.0 Yas Marina
Update 3.0 Hockenheim
Update 4.0 Daytona
Update 5.0 Nordschleife
Update 6.0 Carpoints can be bought with credits
Update 7.0 Brands Hatch
Update 8.0 Bug fixes etc. that came back with Hotfix 8.1 :frowning:
Update 9.0 ??? Maybe Sebring or Bathurst or COTA?
Update 10.0 Probably no new content, just fixes. Fixes probably get broken with a Hotfix again…


One step forward and two steps back…

The in-between . something is just hotfixes.

I’m saying that the refreshed events thing should be the in-between updates and the main big update should be the 2.0, 3.0s and so on where you’ll have your actual features. There will be some intertwining and it’s really up to the developper to decide what goes where.

Well they do it like PGG does it for FH5. Every 4 weeks a downloadable update and IMO that is perfectly fine. Sometimes it does contain something new and sometimes not. I mean in FH5 it’s only new cars and events for the rest of it’s life cycle.

It’s done when it’s done, is how they do it I guess. And that is okay.

Rockstar Games releases a new downloadable update every 6 months lately for GTA Online and adjust the game with weekly “tunable” updates, that are already in the files. I mean that is also okay, whatever works best for the studios.

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Don’t forget you can race it in any previous Forza game since Motorsport 4 DLC. Let’s just hope they let us obtain at least recycled Rewards, in one way or another.

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Well sometimes. That’s the issue. And this “sometimes” could vary a lot in the span of a year of post launch. Like PG tosses so much effort into selling me their new update and when i look at it, it’s really not that substantial. Turn10 does pretty much the same thing.

The 8.0 update could’ve easily been a 7.5, in-between hotfix like update and nobody would ever notice. I guess that’s the issue. They seem more conserned about how they’ll sell this update rather than actually giving us the substance. And most players seem to buy into this. I gotta give it to them both studios are great at selling you their products. Especially PG. I suppose that’s part of the reason why forza is as popular as it is.

It doesn’t seem to work in favour of us, the players. Just looking at reactions about the content… FH5 was in the same boat for 2 years. And how did that turn out? If you’re a forza player, and you’re fine with what you’re seeing then you can disregard my sensless rambling.

Updates are just updates they not always have to contain any meaningful new content or changes.

We live in an age where updates aren’t really just updates anymore though. Especially when you’re selling “a platform” with promises of more content in the future, which seems to be every AAA these days.

Some studios differentiate between updates and patches and others don’t. I don’t really care how they call it, because both means changes to the games.

I just wanted to download a livery for the Aston Martin V8 Vantage V600 and like 99% of them are matte wth?

Why they have to BREAK EVERYTHING?

Licensing. They can’t just add any real brands at any part of the track.

I want this 1998 LeMans winner added to Forza Motorsport.
Happy 50th Anniversary Mobil 1!