FM Update 8.0 Overview - Track Toys Tour and Mobil 1 partnership | 13 May 2024

Next update (maybe?)
Because: mid june is le mans & mid june update 9.0 will be released.

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I got the 1:43 diecast of the Porsche 911 GT1-98 last Christmas.

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Lol it looks like the Porsche 911 GT1 Sequel.

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When 9.0 ?

When ready.


At least the youtube thumbnail will give us some clues.

Also you said:《 2 videos were added to the official Forza playlist today; my guess is one will be the Update 9 overview and the other will be a track preview》.

But why a specific video for track? Brands hatch didn’t get a preview video [if i remember]. My guess for the 2nd video is that it’s ether for le mans (yes; le mans will start at june 12th and update 9.0 might be at june 12 because updates drop at mid month) or T10 is at xbox showcase.

No, it’s a trilogy.

Download Wednesday playable new FOMO Thursday.


Its not a Tour, its a minimum effort Forzathon.

Just want to say I absolutely hate those stupid Caterhams. They don’t handle AT ALL, even with max aero. Cut it out of the games together with the buggies and give us some good cars.

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But the Caterham “IS” a good car. It’s just that the so called stock tune in the game was garbage. So there was no decent base to start with.

Even with max aero, max width (sport) tyres it still is hard to drive. You have slight understeer first, then when you’re not careful enough sudden massive snap oversteer.

I play on the Xbox Series X, no assists and sim steering. Usually I have no trouble handling cars and winning races on difficulty level 7. I dialed it back to 5 now to pass it. Will try 7 again with the next Series.

When I said the Caterham is a good car, I was speaking in terms of the real world car. Not the forza version. The forza version is a mess! That’s what I mean. They should do a better job of setting up the “stock” handling of the cars.