Flying start in test drive?

I used to be able to do flying start in test drive, which was very useful for getting the information I need to tune the car and/or set reference times.
But since update 10, I can only do standing start or very slow rolling start. This is really annoying when you’re trying to do a flying lap, especially with a slow car on a long track.
Is anyone else having the same problem? Or is there some new settings I missed?


I had different issue, when trying to test car on maple, I got heavy rain in night, before update 10 all test tracks had same sunny weather, idk what happened but it looks like test drive is broken.

I think you can still choose the time and weather in the advance setting - at least it still works for me.

Same as you, no more running start in test drive, even though you see the car fly off the pitlane only to stop before the start/finish line :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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I see. I guess I’ll report the issue in the hope that T10 will acknowledge and fix it one day…

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I like standing starts. It helps with tuning the gears for launching the car.

There should be at least three options to choose from for test drive: standing start, rolling/flying start, or starting in pit lane (for immersion).


You can always simply stop on the straight to “simulate” a standing start, but the only way to achieve a flying lap is to go a full lap… which, as I said, can be really annoying when driving a slow car on a long track.
It would certainly be nice to at least have that option.


Definitely agree with the idea of ​​a pit lane start, but I doubt it really helps with immersion in its current implementation form, where the entire pit stop is on autopilot and only lets you take control of the car once you exit the pits…


And the developers can always give us options to pick how we want to start the practice session. Which is the real “ideal” answer.

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Exactly, but if we are talking about “ideal”… let’s just say that this game still has some work to do…
I hope they will bring more features to the game, I expect they will at least fix the bugs.
But what do we have now? More bugs after every update…