Fix the Forza 6 Mic issues

Sometimes people can here you and sometimes people can’t. Please work on this T10. I think it would be greatly appreciated.

Just had this issue today. I tried to unplug and plug the mic again, like I did many times for FM5, but didn’t work. I had to quit the game and restart.

Many times I join lobbies with 15-24 players and there’s not a single person speaking. Some may not have a mic, some may be in group chat…but I’m sure some of them are also having this issue.

Game chat in the online lobbies is hit or miss. Please rectify this issue soon, Turn 10.

yeah this is a big issue had a few lobbys last night where the chat was only heard from certain people and others coulkd only hear different people, very confusing when u can only hear a part of thye conversation you are involved in with several individuals.