Hello, everyone. My son bought this game yesterday after our trip to Gamestop and is having some trouble with the very first mission. Basically, he turns on the game and it tells him he has to drive to this location and challenge someone in a race. It just happens to be a red Ferrari that he is up against every time. As soon as he gets close to this car, he presses X on his xbox remote, it accepts the challenge, and the race begins. The red Ferrari blasts off and pretty much out of sight from the beginning and we can never catch up. We never hit anything, never run off the road, never really do anything except smash the throttle, but we can never catch this person. I believe our car is some lambo, but I am not sure. We have turned down the difficulty settings to Easy and the same results as on medium. The opponent out accelerates in a matter of seconds and we never see him again.
Needless to say, my son is a bit frustrated that he spent his money on this and cannot get past this first part. The only option after he loses is to press A to retry.
Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.
At the beginning of the game you should start driving a Lambo Centenario black and yellow, then it will switch you to a offraod truck until you reach the horizon festival. There it will make you do your first race which is against a jeep being carried by a helicoptor. After that your first festival opens and you should have a lot of things to do. So if you are missing that part delete the game saved data and install the game again and do the updates. I hope this helps.
What type of controller are you using if the Elite it has trigger locks underneath that if on will prevent full trigger pull resulting in a car that will not fully accelerate. Also one of the triggers may be faulty I believe that in settings for the controller you can sellect the A button as throttel. Just had a look controler lay out 8 will use the buttons and lay out 13 will swap the triggers.
I remember this well. Make sure your Difficulty Levels are at a minimum (this is your first real race) and ensure that you are using FULL LINE for navigation. You may also want to use an Auto Transmission, Traction Control, Stability Control… And maybe even ABS.
Your race starts in Banyon Bay, the small town, which you need to navigate through while chasing the Ferrari. You will probably lag behind while navigating the town, but once you get to the main strip, you’ll be able to “open it up” and overtake the Ferrari.
The game wants you to win this race, so chase the Ferrari. You may even notice on the straight that he starts to lag a bit; allowing you to catch up. If you’re too far behind, he’ll beat you, but as long as you keep it on the road and use some speed, you’ll be able to overtake him.
FYI: Deleting the game won’t delete your SAVED GAME. You need to go to MANAGE, and DELETE the SAVED GAME. Then, when the game restarts, you will have to CANCEL the SYNC to actually start a NEW GAME. However, you may not really need to do this unless you missed out on the Jeep Challenge…