First impressions...

Just got my pre-ordered copy delivered today…Installed it, but didn’t know if I could play it until the official release date tomorrow…

But I was able to start playing the full game today, and after only about 40 minutes of playing it, all I can say is…THIS…GAME…IS…AWESOME…

I was hoping it would be as good as, and would have the same kind of features as the first Horizon, but so far, I think it is much better…

Great job Forza and Turn 10! I look forward to playing this game for hours and hours on end…


Glad you’re enjoying it so far, hopefully your sentiments are echoed by others when they get their hands on the game :slight_smile:


I just wish it was released here in the uk at the same time, sucks that I have to wait till Friday to have a go.

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I know it’s to do with when games come out in the UK which is Friday. But it still sucks. They should at least make it so if you pre-ordered it on the console you can play it on the 30th & not have to wait until the 3rd.

I’m also happy for you KBeWell, I have to wait til thursday, then it’ll be released in Germany :frowning:

Also in the waiting-for-EU-release boat, but I’ve kinda got over it now. For all intents and purposes the game might as well have came out last week, what with how many reviewers and enthusaists have copies of the game and have been flaunting gameplay over the net.

T -49 hours and counting for me, but eagerly awaiting first impressions posted here on the forum while I wait!

Where did you order it from, maybe some of us in the future might be lucky and get the game a day early as well.

Can’t wait to play tomorrow. Also, can’t wait to see what cars come as DLC, I have a feeling that the Car Pass is going to be epic this time around.

Nah, I have bought new games on Mondays and Tuesdays before; from Game and Gamestation (before they merged with game obviously). The day of the week doesn’t really have a lot to do with it, just when the game gets supplied to the resellers. Saying that though, I wouldn’t be surprised if Game and HMV (plus Tesco, Asda and so on) already have them in stock and ready to go.

Be joining you in 12 hours or so :slight_smile: