Hey guys, I am new to the drifting scene. I’ve been trying to find all the youtube and article tutorials I can to get better at drifting. It sure is a nice break from traditional styles of racing, and it looks awesome!
For this BRZ I run a lot of Camber, around +4 with +4 Toe as well. It really lets the car slide. I read this in a drifting magizine that explained how to get low horsepower,(generally stock,) cars to slide for cheap. That seems to help a lot. What are you guys doing to help with control in the slide? Also I run no assits, manual w/clutch.
Here is my first drift car & video. Let me know what you think.
Thanks for the article. I read it and noticed they recommend neg camber in the front. I tried doing this and found the car was too snappy and couldnt hold a drift sideways. I see these guys in drift lobbies nearly perpendicular to the apex and it blows my mind how they can keep such control.
Thanks for the article. I read it and noticed they recommend neg camber in the front. I tried doing this and found the car was too snappy and couldnt hold a drift sideways. I see these guys in drift lobbies nearly perpendicular to the apex and it blows my mind how they can keep such control.
Those guys have had a lot of practice. Mind you one Tunes I downloaded of one of the top Drifters was all over the place. The car wouldn’t go in a straight line. All you had to do was counter steer. No need for handbraking or Feint Drifting. I didn’t like it.
I normally Run Camber -3.0 Front, -1.0 Rear. It works for me, the Diff settings make a hell of difference too.
Try stock or street tyres. I found it better for staying in drift. With race tyres my car would straighten up too early
Thanks Curtis…your referenced article and post were very informative. I am completely new to drifting and starting to build/tune 1st car. Saw some videos from DIS Swirly and will be getting help from Wolf for a little drifting training.
The only other advice I can give is practice your throttle control. Holding down the Gas through every corner doesn’t always work. Letting off the gas and letting the car slide then powering back on to push the car can help too. I’m not a top drifter, but these are the things that are helping me improve.
Also check out this video. It has real drift techniques that can be utilized in Forza and may help as well
If you have a spare hour:
Try a negative camber in the front and positive in the rear with about a 4 on the angle, play with that. Plus remember that your springs, anti roll bars and dampening all play a part in the tune, try awd, I find it the easiest. Hit me up on Xbox for more questions, AshuraTheFallen or follow me on twitch at the same name
Oh i didnt know this. I might as well change all my drift tunes to negative camber and get used to it. Throttle control has been probably the biggest improvement in my drifting, and running manual/w clutch. I have been practicing using the clutch to kick out the rear while in a drift and also holding in it if my nose starts to dip too far into the apex.
I think my biggest challenge is nailing the line of the corners and the front end doesn’t feel like it has enough grip. Should I lower the camber? Decrease spring rate? Decrease anti-roll stiffness?
Or upgrade my tires to a higher grip level all together?
Try: Camber
Front: -3.0
Rear: -1.0 Toe
Front: Toe Out (Anywhere from 0.3 > 1.0)
Rear: Toe In (Anywhere from -0.3 > -1.0) Front Caster
Angle: 7.0
Make sure the Anti-roll bars are stiffer in the front then the rear. Same with the suspension, stiffer front then rear. It doesn’t have to be really high either.
Adjust brake balance more to front so that if you start to over steer too much you can tap the brake to bring the car back in.
For tyres use either Stock, Street or Sport. Race tyres I found have too much grip and often the car straightens up too early.
The last piece of advice I can give is you want your tyres at about 32 PSI when Hot. So cold temperatures I set like this. 28.0 PSI Front and 26.0 PSI Rear.
These aren’t “Perfect” or “The Right” settings, these are settings close to what a lot of real life drift cars use and I have found it has helped me. Just need good throttle control. Hope this helps
I have a sick 1M that I slide, with around -2.5 camber front and around -1 on the rear. For me at least, It’s reasonably easy to slide so good for me adapting to FM5 drifting.