I need help tuning my drift cars, I never have an issue initiating the slide, but I can’t seem to “steer” during the drift, and never seem to get the car to recover properly without spinning out the other end. Any thoughts? It seems like I don’t have enough control in the front, but I don’t know what to adjust. I have many different tuning guides and have the car balanced pretty well. Do I have too much oversteer in the back which is causing it to “bounce back and spin?”
TL;DR - Back end comes out, car slides, but can’t “steer the drift”.
try putting your diff at 50/50 and adjust from there, that seemed to help me quite a bit.
shhnozz – you mentioned you have many tuning guides. Are these specific to drifting? If so, could you share such? I am completely new to gaming, build/tuning, and now wanting to learn drifting. Thank you!
p.s. All I have seen is the video from DIS Swirly and a couple of other YoouTube videos, yet, no specific tuning guide.
Thank you for the help, apparently I was interpreting the tuning information incorrectly. In my mind “The Relationship between front and rear” meant something completely different. I didn’t realize it was the difference between the two(ex. making the gap between front and rear spring stiffness less or more.)