FH5 Rally Adventure expansion now available

IIRC it also works in races. The problem is that you don’t have time to engage it before the race actually starts.


I would mean like the FIA and not allow it in races. :nerd_face:

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Lunch Control keeps the RPM at optimal torque instead of redline.

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I’m still unsure if this uses splits and staged competition. Or its all just one start grid of cars for either point to point or traditional sprint.
They said theirs hud elements but Im still unsure of what that implies. Forza overall, much less PGG has a very poor history of respecting racing discipline authenticity. IE: Drag racing. And I have zero faith that they have done any justice to how actual rally works.
Also looking forward to having an entirely separate map just for this and never visiting it again after its completed. Just too advanced to implement a DLC into the main map or adding on a new different portion connected too it, simply cannot be achieved.


This is probably my biggest grip about the whole Forza franchise. I don’t care if the arcade game don’t follow this. And I don’t care if the true sim games actually do follow this as I don’t play them. But Forza being my primary game. It would be nice if they were more race/car culture accurate.


Its like a wilful ignorance on their part.
Its like games like dirt, or NFS Pro street, never existed in their consideration of how to implement these things. We get drags with no real shifting or competitive staging starts, Rallys with no legs or solo timed stage runs with splits, And drifts with no boundary penalties, interesting scoring dynamic or tandem gauges against other people.
Imagine a horizon that implemented all of those. Imagine the mountain drift events with competitive tandem racing. Rally with a whole series consisting of legs that you have damage on and keep the damage for the whole series and compete for time. And drags where tire warmth and tree times were the biggest factors at play. All of those things are very easily implemented on the current engine and foundation. very easy, Very very easy. And yet we have no hope of seeing a game like that.

What a great baseline they’ve been gifted to make amazing features like this. And they’re completely unwilling to innovate. The height of their innovation for the series as per this entry is the “Evolving world” Which consists of them swapping the normally completely empty stadium pallet out between 3 premade presets.
I thought ignorantly last year that the release of the skatepark meant they were going to continually change that setup and do different version of stunt parks and autodrome sort of arenas. Apparently thats out of their scope. Its just the three templates. Oh, and we get the occasional edited prop like the festival sites.


Imagine if they fixed the mechanics of the car setups where in drag racing, lowering the rearend gearset would actually give a better whole shot rather than just reducing the top speed of the car.

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Literally anything. We get clientside synced staging trees in freeroam, thats it.


The “rally mode” is an optional way to play all of the races in the expansion. They can all be played using the traditional free for all starting grid style as well.

The rally mode will be just the player competing against the AIs times and the clock, like real rally. There is a new checkpoint that also acts as a split gate.

However stages are up in the air. Considering PGG’s allergy custom championships (or making decisions that make sense) I suspect we only get single stage events. Huge letdown if true.

It does seem that they weigh things heavily towards the accessible. The co-driver callouts are extremely barebones. Hard/Medium/Easy instead of numbers, sparse on details.

I’ll admit I did find the chicken call-out kind of funny though.


This is not a rally game. This is merely a rally themed expansion. Hopefully we can expect a bit of fun. I definitely wouldn’t expect the next WRC game lol.

I bet most people including myself will ignore or simply turn off the co pilot assists because they will prove to be more of a gimic/annoyance. Exception being if you you’re either new to the track or don’t use the driving line. Then maybe I could see some players using them.


I have to confess, it hadn’t even occurred to me that they might do it as a staged Tour of Mexico but that would be an excellent way to do it. I’d be very very surprised if it’s anything other than individual stages though - it just feels too inventive for anything PGG has done in recent times.


I hope the helicopter won’t be an annoyance and can be turned off.


…If they don’t the players can with event lab and an entry list. Because that’s a brilliant idea. :+1:

Sir, this is a Forza game.


Let’s have a rally DLC with the roads wide as a highway. The biggest problem is that the dirt roads are not any problem to drive. There’s no difference between dirt road and a field. Give me a tricky road to drive, not a wide road that I can drive blind and feel no difference. That’s why I love dirt series. Every road is something you fear to drive.


And that’s what I meant by my earlier comment that this isn’t a rally game, it’s merely a rally themed expansion. I can almost guarantee the co pilot will prove pointless because it will be no different to the current state of dirt/mixed racing. Fortunately I enjoy the current state of dirt/mixed so I think I’ll be easily pleased by this expansion.

Not a single solitary person is asking for the physics or overall gameplay to be significantly altered in order to mimic hard core rally sims. Just the bare bones function of what a rally stage is that sets it apart from every other race discipline. That makes it distinguishable from just a vanilla Forza standard issue offroad sprint.


I’d recommend the WRC games if that’s all you’re looking for, doesn’t do much better than Dirt but the stages are one of them, there’s some much longer ones available than in Dirt + more variety within the stages themselves along with there being more rallies available.

I’m hoping the next game will combine both together, DR2.0’s physics from the Codies side + the stages of WRC from KT would be a dream.

As for FH5 there is a couple of decent dirt roads here and there, Montana Trail is great when you go full tilt at it and Bajio + Fuera Del Camino are also fairly tight in some places when you’re near the limit.

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Depends on what you define as “significantly altered” because someone literally just made a great point that if the roads remain as wide as they currently are then where’s the challenge. I.e. what’s the need for a copilot telling you hard right, left 5 etc if the tracks remain unchanged and are easy to drive on.


…but, but, but there will be new visual effects kicking up dust and rocks. :wink: