FH5 Rally Adventure expansion now available

I see some content creators have early access to the expansion (based on achievements completed)

Might we get some first impressions pre March 29?

No. With all previous iterations they werent allowed to speak about it until day of launch

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I accidentally clicked on this thread as I’ve been avoiding it for months as I didn’t see the point in posting in something that was weeks to months before it released. I thought well, let’s just wait and see. But on the points above,

Firstly on the second point - totally agree.
They clearly don’t have any timelines for major bugs. It took till now for them to do anything with the leader-boards and they’ve done nothing with the AI.

On the first point as this leads back to the first in that it relates to timelines for major issues.
As many of you are probably aware, I’ve had major issues in Wheel mapping since Oct '22.
No E-Brake since the OS update that broke the thing completely. Numerous tickets over 5-6 months but still the same old “rubbish” (insert your own words here at your peril) responses from the Forza “Support” team or Devs.
So, on that point - No they don’t eventually address major issues raised by the players.

To clarify I was meaning AAA developers of games I’ve played other then PGG.

In general PGGs response to bugs in FH5 to date has seem to be:

  1. Don’t raise bugs on forums. Devs don’t look here.
  2. Create a ticket for your bug and we will auto close it with no indication why.
  3. You can now raise bugs and issues on the forums via the suggestion hub. But we won’t action any of this in FH5.
  4. We made progress on fixing an issue but ultimately we haven’t fixed it. Please acknowledge we’re trying.
  5. We actually fixed a bug that no one cares about. Hurray!!!
  6. Stay tuned for next season when we fix 1 minor bug and introduce 10 new bugs.

To play “devil’s” advocate for a moment :wink:

Timelines are hard for bug fixes. It’s a moving target. An often invisible moving target lol. BUT ! They could (should ! maybe have ?) prioritize items. No evidence they do (noting some things getting fixed while others languish) and no real communication (despite repeated promises of said) so we know.

I don’t think they have done nothing with the AI. It has definitely changed over the course of game so far. Up, down, and even sideways. Probably even accidently added “New and Improved Bugs !” along the way. It’s almost like they’re trying to please everyone by constantly changing it to suit the complaint de jour (it’s too hard, it’s too easy, it’s too car, … ). Yeah, that won’t work. Ever.

Anyway, 'nuff o that :slight_smile:

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If it has changed which is news to me then it’s never once changed for the better.


Succinct - and exactly how I perceive them. :+1:
On point 3 in particular - the whole new Troubleshooting Hub is ridiculous. Some of my threads got moved to this and merged into other threads when I somehow became the creator of those other threads. What !!
Plus they don’t even allow direct replies in those Troubleshooting hubs. What’s the deal with that ?


The current philosophy seems to be fix the insignificant bugs (lights, tailpipes, engine noises or whatever) probably just the easy way out to say - look what we fixed !! - and completely ignore the game breaking bugs that go on without investigation.


Oh - and just to get back on to the main thread topic which as I said I’ve been avoiding for months because I thought - well, it’s coming, so what can we do about it.

Looks like a real Bore-fest.
Not what what I paid Premium for in either of these two “expansions”.

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Btw i just found out the devs are doing a q/a on discord about the expansion. Sadly there is about a day left to submit questions… If you wanna ask them something expansion related go on discord! It might not seem like much but at least you could get something important adressed or the very least they might take notice. Its probably the closest thing to a dev-player interaction you can get.

I love your optimism.


Someone: tries to join the official Forza discord.
Official Forza Discord: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/013/244/d23.gif


If people want to ask questions then ask. It cant get more direct than that really. Doens’t mean by tomorrow they’ll flip the game around and omg best horizon game ever :open_mouth: . People here wanted player-dev interaction. Here’s a player dev interaction. Confront them in a polite manner of course

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Confront might not be the most fitting word to use alongside polite :joy:. Just pulling your leg.

Once questions are answered can somebody drop them all in here?

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That’s likely to be done by @T10ManteoMax when they’re done answering
I think he did that the last time when they were answering questions

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Players need to realise that they are not studio heads.

Public feedback spaces are a useful indicator of what (a very small fraction of) people are concerned about, but the final call will come from the heads of development.

They can’t do everything (not enough time or staff), they have their own priority objectives to meet (usually the development of new content to the next game) and their own ideas on what should and shouldn’t be focused on.

AAA games are so large and complex now that some stuff is going to break, and some stuff is going to stay broken no matter how much you complain about it.

As a player you have two options: Play anyway, or play something else.


Anyway, back on-topic:

I wonder what the basic multiplayer structure is going to be for Rally Adventure.

Hot Wheels had a Horizon Open, but all playlists featured fully ghosted cars which isn’t much fun in my opinion.

Too much advertising in FH5? Where??? The HW expansion is obviously one but what else? There’s billboards for fake drink products & clothing stores but not any real brands other than Hoonigan & Donut. Both of those make relative sense as brand tie-ins.

Frankly, I would rather see real product billboards & banners around Mexico like in FH1 as it adds to the immersion. Generally, I’m not a fan of adverts in game but banners for Brembo Brakes, Mobile One, Pemex Fuel Stations, Coca Cola, etc would lead to a fuller real world experience, especially during races.

Just my 2 cents as I know there are many others that would disagree.

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Yeah, saw that a while back. Well, frankly, I can’t be (insert favorite “E for everyone” descriptive) going to some Discord server hoop jumping thrill ride to be ignored by the devs when they are doing a perfectly fine job ignoring everyone on the dedicated forums right here.