FH5 expansion II

I still play FH4 daily, mostly Fortune islands whenever I want more challenging championships. Actually, it helped me develop my skills.

I also play Lego whenever I want some fun without pressure or stress.

Hot Wheels in FH5 was a blast for couple of days. But it lacks the long lasting progress of FH4 Legoland where house building has visual manifestation of player advancement.

I would love to get an expansion in FH5 that can be the perfect substitute for both Fortune and Lego so I might stop playing FH4 and focus on FH5 and upcoming FMS8.

Side note: latly I see more and more players in FH4 expansion. Migh be somthing right Developers got then and didn’t in HW.

Expantion 2 is already a done deal. PG knows what is is, whats the map, what are the features and so on… Likely they’re working on fixing bugs and making sure the launch goes stadily.

In horizon 4 the servers are better populated so thats a reason why you see more players. And obviously the game was on sale multiple times for about 60-70 % off especially the past 5 months. So naturally its going to be more populated

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