FH5 Car Packs DLC

I’m playing FH5 on Steam. Not sure if it’s the same for Xbox players but do the Car DLC Packs ever get discounted? I thought there might be a Christmas/ Boxing Day Special.

I think they did something for the FH4 car packs previously, but they seem to be regular price too. I haven’t purchased anything since the Italian Car Pack; so i would purchase the latest 3 if there was some discount. I’m not sure whether to hold off or just buy them all now.

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No they don’t. It’s a DLC. You can catch the full game at times at a discount, but that’s up to Steam - Nothing to do with Turn 10 Studios and or Microsoft.

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Also, dont buy NFS Unbound. You’ll get sick of it in a few weeks.


im a little confused because other games (such as cotw) have dlc sales when the game itself goes on sale so how is that a steam thing and not a company thing? Genuine question

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Yeah i didnt really understand that either. Im pretty sure ive seen Forza horizon 4 DLC’s on steam go on sale once before,

Edit- maybe im thinking of Gamepass; not Steam.

they need to do a DDE car pack at some point

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Good place to check Steam sale prices.


As far as I know only the two map DLCs have been on sale.

And i just saw this while clicking on it

That link is directed to the Drift pack dlc.

Should look like this:

I know that, read what’s there again

Some weird german translation? I don’t speak the language.

It says Woodstock Formula Drift car pack

Woodstock being the codename for FH5

It’s Steam translation being wrong. It’s correct in the top, but wrong at bottom here.

I still find it very peculiar that Steam wouldn’t use the game title, but its codename for a translation

This is most likely stemming from the developer’s side

It’s not actually even translation thing, it’s same on all languages but only on the drift pack, so it must be whoever from the developers side typed it wrong in some place.

So a classic cockup then

Merry Christmas Dennis Norden.

The car packs seems to have a lot of Negative reviews, you can see that most of the negativities are flooded with “aRRrgHhHhH tHeSE cAr pAcKs sHouLd b3 fReE fOr pReM1uM oWnErS, fOrZa iS bEiNg sToOp1D, tHeY’rE jUsT l1k3 iTs oWnEd bY EA nOw”

I bet those reviews are from these ungrateful kids who don’t learn about the value of money and how Developers earn money. No wonder why they have to leave a hate for no reason.

They just bought those packs and leave a negative review. Stupid dummies.

Although, If I were them, I don’t have to mind about it. Even if I still didn’t buy the car packs yet, I won’t leave a hate for that. If there will be a discount, I would get those packs one day.

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Not even just the car packs, for some reason the Rally Adventure DLC has mostly negative reviews in Steam.

Sure, but that’s a different reason.

All because it’s about pure Off-road Baja madness, but the Devs called it “Rally” which made no sense. Also the cars from the expansion has 1 Rally car, 1 Electric pickup truck, and 8 Baja offroaders.

It’s Off-road Adventure rather than Rally Adventure. Devs’ opinions are being idiotic for some reason. :melting_face:

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Some of the prices for the packs are pretty extortionate though. Every car is probably worth about 99 cents in USD a pop. Yet some packs cost more than that for just five cars, and that’s before tax.