I’ve been having a real confusing issue the past couple weeks.
When I turn my PC on normally, I can’t connect to horizon life. I’ve sat in the open world for up to 30 minutes and it never connects. It just says there was an error communicating with the server, and to try again later.
I searched around and thought my old nemesis, Teredo was coming back to haunt me, but I ran the usual fixes and saw that teredo was working perfectly fine.
I then got the recommendation that there might be some optional windows updates that could interfere with matchmaking. So I updated my system, restarted my PC and then was able to connect online as soon as I booted the game up after that. Fixed!.. Except…
A couple days later, I tried to load up the game again to play the trial and get some forzathon lives in before the delisting, and again I couldn’t connect online at all.
I repeated all the fixes I tried, and the only thing that helped was restarting my PC. Turning my PC on for the day wasn’t enough, I needed to let it boot, then choose restart from the power menu.
I have no idea why this is occurring. I’ve had a lot of issues ever since horizon 4 launched regarding online in this game. This is just the latest in a long confusing line.
Does restarting my PC somehow reset the ethernet properties or something? I’ve never experienced anything like this in online games. 99.9% of game just work, Forza games on PC have always been super finicky.
Edit: Windows 10 in case that helps at all.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this?