Festival Playlist events and rewards Mar. 30 - Apr. 6 (Summer S19)

Isn’t there ? I thought I saw a pair of them right at the left of the Festival playlist ? (yep, Drift Zone and Championship). And people saying you need to complete the Goliath ? to unlock them.

Rally playlist events are the Canyon Sweep Drift Zone (S2 Anything, 132k points) and an Apex Championship for B700 Pickups & 4x4’s.

So they royally botched the roll-out of this one too. Fantastic!


Are the non-Trial playlist championships hard set to Highly Skilled? I thought they bumped up if you were on a higher difficulty. Since I changed my difficulty to deal with some races in the Rally DLC, I checked it from the start of one of the Street races and it couldn’t be moved from Highly Skilled.

Yeah, they’ve been hard-locked to Highly Skilled since the beginning. FH4 let you go above that difficulty though.

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Oh, I thought the difficulty bump carried over from FH4. Guess that explains the trouble I was having in the Rally DLC. I thought I was facing tougher AI in the playlist races.

I sure do love the “extended night” that never comes.

Trial awful from rammers. I ran several, all the same. Seems a fail if it allows mods but stock pi. Title clearly says stock.

Neon wire frame airplane at the strip was pretty neat.

I suppose I shouldn’t complain about the players ramming and driving like (upset/angry) teenagers since that’s how the drivatars drive.

Edit: had more negativity to express but it’s just not worth it… Maybe next week’s better… L8


As Monty Python says - Always look on the bright side - but it’s getting really hard to do that these days.


I don’t often put on music for races, but seems like this might be my soundtrack. :smile::smiling_imp:

Play nice, team. :heart:

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I mentioned in another thread that I was actually pleasantly surprised by the expansion.
I stayed up till 7:00 am last night on it even though I had work to go to at 08:00 but the bugs are just getting a bit too hard to deal with…


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SC: 379 607 109

(It’s all one color, so you can color swap it to whatever…


The Rimac Nevera is awful. After the Concept 2 was the worst car in Horizon 4 PG manually adjusted it for Horizon 5 making it a good Hypercar. And now the Nevera is the reincarnation of Horizon 4’s Concept 2.
Just why, PG?
Why is the performance of added cars this inconsistent?
I have the feeling they just use handling files of older cars to place new bodies on. If the old one was crap, the new one will be too. Just like Rockstar Games does but that’s GTA and not a racing game.

Is at least some amount of effort too much to ask for?

about Trial teammates
Is it possbile that we have many unfortunate factors at the same time and on top of that extra spice?

everyone in the “same” car - :white_check_mark:
understeery stock car - :white_check_mark:
heavy braking into 90degree corner at beginning - :white_check_mark:
lack of patence - :white_check_mark:
EDIT: new people/non-regulars encouraged by DLC - :white_check_mark:
“extra spice” = night + neons. For me that are terrible conditions to drive. I have hit the wall a lot more than usual even without assistance from player/AI.


Those are all very reasonable considerations.

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New major content (expansion) drawing in many non-regulars.
The Trial and the co-op championships were a lot worse than in the former weeks. Haven’t seen players slamming into 90° turns sideways without any sign of braking for a long time. Yesterday in every single race.

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@TonyKartRcr @CashlessPlains8 Thank you for participation in that small tuner “competition” :slight_smile:
One tune was solid, other was not so good.
Winner is Tony :trophy:
Sorry CP8 :people_hugging:

Tune - Sierra time - Mulege time - comment
Tony - 2:36,7 - 1:00,5 - NGL, I prefer more turn in on drag tire cars, but it was not bad :wink:
my drag tires - 2:35,2 - 1:00,0
CP8 - 2:40,5 - 1:02,0 - I had a big problem with turning. Can’t tell if it was caused by sport suspension or was it something within tuning.
my offroad tires - 2:36,8 - 1:00,4
Looking just at the times it appears that I was wrong with my prior statement (that offroad tires will be better option).


Wouldn’t they all be on the island?
But, yeah, good point. Let me edit my previous post :wink:

Whenever I’m having a bad trial, I try to think back to that one that was S1 “classic racers”, wet conditions, and started with Playa azul and then the sprint up the east side (volcan sprint?)

That was terrible. The worst was the 90 degree beginning of the sprint where there was basically always a huge pileup of mostly human players while the computers sprinted uncontested up the mountain. I believe towards the end of that week was when we started seeing the stock PIs on the drivatars instead of max for the class. On the plus side, I got a lot of reps on Playa Azul so any success I have on that track comes largely from that one trial week. That was one of the first trials I ever did… I thought that’s how it always went.

Agreed, and all fair enough, but then there are those that are clearly deliberate. Not just an errant tap or bad steering/braking but repeated deliberate hard steering into a team mate. Maybe they just don’t know the trial is a team event but more likely they’re just thinking about where the I in “team” is and how it can’t be the last letter.