two attempts at trial so far; regardless of me trying a stock car in both of these 3 robots went miles ahead of all other cars within the first lap - anyone else found something like that? All other “people” cars were 700!
Not this time but I had it happen multiple times in other Trials by now.
I had that in the first race, I was in 4th and the 3 drivatars ahead of me were pulling away, no chance at catching them.
3rd race similar, one human got to 3rd but was soon back in 4th - oh well
Just did District 17 Sewer Racers. No matter what I do I start with the lap counter 0/3 and in 11th place. Is there a way around it? Bugged race is just infuriating
I’m not seeing the issue. What problem are you having?
weird, 4th go I sailed past humans and robots alike to 2nd place and by the end all of us were behind just one robot
Just managed to get around it. Looks like the starting grid is bugged with difficulty set above EXPERT (PRO and UNBEATABLE was no go for me). Lowered it one tier down and it registered as intended. Just a little tip for the players who could potentially encounter this weird bug.
Or play co-op for the comedy.
Just saw this:
Ah that would explain a few players looking lost on the co-op I did…
Ah, had exactly this before - thanks for the heads up, I’ll go back and - grinds teeth - do it all again, but on a lower setting!
Used your trial tune for the Veloster, oof, that thing sticks to the road like sick to a blanket!
2 for 2, and done - nice easy trial. with it, cheers!
Looks like a lot of great tunes shared this week! Make sure to support our forums tuners!
I’ve been dealing with some health issues recently and haven’t had time/energy to make my usual playlist tunes. (I only got to do last week’s playlist last night ) I am hoping to be back next week!
Thanks everybody who has shouted me out and for your continued support, much respect!
Happy driving all!!
I am dead in the water today…woke up and my new comp wouldn’t turn on. Hopefully I get my new psu and it’s not the motherboard. First time I have missed a forzathon in a year and a half…a total bummer. Looks like everyone had fun and did well.
136 downloads on tunes is pretty good for me so I’m happy tonight lol
not to beat a dead horse, but was it really too much trouble to make the HDT eligible for the Holden SC?
We had this issue before somewhere. Seems the devs don’t know what HDT stands for.
Okay…went to best buy got a psu lol. Back up…ran the trial…came in 1st in lookout…ran a 3:02 and sadly I forgot to switch back to my tune and had saenu’s (which if they are making fun of people for tunes they should try their own before saying anything it was terrible). 2nd race as to why I am not posting screen shots…dude was doing 200 mph plus and didn’t want to post that there. Anyways came in 2nd with a 5:03…and the dude doing 200 mph and invisible finished 19 seconds ahead of me lol. Honestly…I come across these types sometimes…and it ruins the trial for me. Onto round 2 with gm’s tune and then with geists tune.
I like that you post the designs and tunes. Nice post.