Festival Playlist events and rewards Feb. 22-29 (Spring S30)

Also that 296 GTB is hella dope

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Is it me or does this car look like blobfish?
Not with that particular livery, just shape itself.

Ran the trial twice. First time, I win first race, team lose. Second race, I win and team win. Third race, I’m winning and so slow AI down. One team mate gets ahead and as I try to slow AI down further, a team mate rams me sideways off track - team lose - sheesh.

Second attempt at trial, again 3 races, I win all of them and team scrapes through. UsedI30N with @Tredawn tune which he labelled EZ Drive and it was, so thanks!

The rammers are strong this week…hairpin turns are just candy to the trial kamikaze’s lol. I am awaiting the release of next weeks trial already…hoping we get at least one aston martin themed race…

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My highlight this week so far was race 2 of the Lotus championship when I was in p2 and I assume someone’s controller disconnected and took me straight into a field with him :joy:


That was a really good Trial. I’m glad I tried the i30N FWD because it turned out to be a brilliant choice. Really nice to drive.

3rd round Lookout Circuit and 1st round Plaza Circuit. My teammates gave good support even though they weren’t the best at cornering (too late braking, too much sliding as a result, but no silly cornering), which is how I ended up in 1st place in the second race.

Now up to five trials completed but crash or auto save/sync failures. Thats probably my lot for this week.

As usual, Exocet OR FE is missing from the Modern Rally/Rally Monsters A EventLab selection

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I did the trial using Geist’s tune. Finished 2nd first race and 1st the 2nd race :rofl:

Had 3 decent team mates so won it in 2 races.


Eibach logo vinyl group:
458 771 610

This week’s featured sponsor logo is Eibach. I saw an Eibach Springs vinyl group on a real truck around town. I opted for their more generic logo, as the parallelograms was easier to do than negative space lettering. Single color so you can color swap it or vinyl mask it.

Next week I’ll have Alpine Electronics and I’m thinking of doing a couple version of Momo (a blocky version and an outline version).


2 good drivers, 1 who was just…there in the stock Veloster, the other 3 were complete rocks for brains (only due to forum rules I can’t use a more accurate word than rocks, but I suppose you could say they were a bunch of something that rhymes with rocks).

Lookout was fine since I started 2nd out of the humans so didn’t see much, thought something was wrong with the Kona user though when I saw them behind me slamming into the barrier about halfway around the long 1st corner looking like they didn’t even attempt to steer.

Plaza was where I found out just how stupid those 3 were, started at the back and had to navigate through the lot of them so saw what they were doing, pile up on the 2nd left let me slip by them but not by enough, corner bombed in the subsequent 2 corners and they failed on a 3rd attempt which meant I could finally get away and go after Edra, hence the poor finishing time all because of that 1st lap, there’s never any excuse for people who play the game like that, it’s just a lack of intelligence.

Used my Ioniq tune and it was what I expected given how much I’d already driven it on Lookout + tried it briefly on Plaza, tuned it specifically for these tracks so the top speed by overall standards is naff, no good Ioniq tune for this Trial should have a top speed above 140mph though, 125-140 is the range it should be in, anything higher is pointless and only worsens acceleration.


I had most boring trial, started both races mid pack and after few corners was in front so it was just cruising to the finish.

Used my own FWD Veloster N.

Even had one of those “legit” level 10 drivers :laughing:


Good job with the Eibach logo. I’m still missing this one so far but I’ve done the Alpine one already. It’s obviously relatively easy to make.

The Momo one is also easy to make as it consists of just a couple of rectangles but it’s a PITA to work with on a car. This has to do with how the editor handles moving and resizing. Here are two examples of what happens when you move or resize the logo (focus on the top of the letters).

Momo 01

Momo 02

This makes working with such simple logos really cumbersome because you constantly have to adjust the position of the respective shapes over and over again. Especially the one with the outlines needs permanent fixing.

Sidenote: I’ve also done this Alpine one which as you may already guessed belongs to a company that produces hearing protection. They also have a product line specifically for motorsport needs.


No? Only for me?

Livery search gave no results either, so I challanged myself to do one myself.

And since I was pretty happy with results, I took it to the Trial. And I have to say that I just hate EV cars. It is much harder for me to brake when I use EV. IDK, like my brain is lacking info (sound) about engine speed or something.

I would also like to apologize player Metal Sane for pushing him off CP in revenge.
Basically, 2nd race, we had pretty big gap, clean race, last lap, uphill section of Plaza after haripin. We was going head-2-head and he just left no space for me.
Was very short fused today and did what I did.
They was probably using bumper or interior cam, but at the same time probably should have known that I’m there, cause I was basically on his bumper since 2nd lap.
Sorry one more time.

PS. Since monday I’ve new PC :bomb: and I’ve some problem with graphics.
When is scroll through “my cars”, browsing map or drive offroad - I can see some horizontal line/distortion in the middle of the screen. Which settings is responsible for that?
Lowering settings did nothing. Vertical sync does nothing too.

Also there is second thing: my car leaves few “ghosts” behind itself (more visible when using side view). I think it is more visible at night. Hard to explain and I’m struggling to get picture of that. Any idea how to deal with that?


Just curious what is your gpu is and what resolution you running the game ?

Not only you when you add the livery. Now I won’t be able to unsee it.

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And to add that there is new nvidia driver as today to nividia users

1920 x 1080
RTX 4080 8GB

That be more than sufficient to run game at higher resolution unless you on full hd monitor ?

Did you try the new driver ?

Not really but I know what you mean. It presumably has to do with the back part getting smaller at least optically and how the tail line falls off.

But nice job with the design.

When it comes to EVs the main problem besides no real acoustic feedback is that you don’t have the drag torque when down shifting. That’s at least the case for me as I heavily depend on it.

That’s why I like the approach from Hyundai with the artificial gears of their new Ioniq 5 N. It gives some proper feedback and also emulates the drag torque in the respective mode. The problem is that it looks rather moooh. I wish they’d gone for this instead.

Hyundai RN22E (Ioniq 6 prototype)

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