Fast and Furious standalone digital

Hi Guys , I just bought Horizon 2 presents Fast & Furious standalone digital on this week’s sale. I already own Horizon 2 itself.
Now my question is , will I have to download and install F&F separate and play it separate ? Or is it already inside Horizon 2 itself en will there be a menu or something
inside the main Horizon 2 menus that will now just unlock that I can play the F&F career from there ?


No it’s another game. You have to install it, but it’s not that large.

You don’t need Horizon 2 to play it.

Somehow it says it can use some DLC packs of Horizon 2. They are related in the Store page and in the Ready to Install list too. I honestly didn’t bothered looking how to obtain these cars (from Horizon 2 DLC packs) inside the Fast and Furious game, because the game is rather short and a bit uninteresting to my tastes. It’s like a glorified demo.

And somehow the Xbox 360 version seemed better in my opinion. Following the story in a better way, not because some fault of the devs, but because of how the game works during starts of events, with that screen to choose the car, how the person speak to you, etc. The Xbox One version seems confusing at some events.

It’s fun while it lasts. Oh and smash the boards in this game and you get an extra Supra for Horizon 2 by going to the hub one day after the event (it’s explained in the screen).

  • Funny how both the Xbox One and the Xbox 360 versions look better detailed than Horizon 2, because the open world is smaller, of course.