Facepalm and apology to the developers

Hi there, whenever I posted here, I have been complaining about how grindy FH5 has become as compared to FH4 which I had really enjoyed.

My main complaint was that it seemed so much harder than before to complete the playlist, especially the championships. It even led to me abandoning the game for nine months shortly after launch, because I did not have time to grind it out severeal hours a time.

I now found out that my Xbox Elite controller had a triggger lock switch on the back stuck in the 70/80 percent position: I never went full throttle! I did not realize it because I did not really have a comparison except for wondering why the youtubers and other gamers were always somewhat or a lot faster.

What a moronic oversight on my part!! Now, having fixed that, the game is a breeze for me since even before, after a lot of practice I still managed to win most challenges with only 80-90 percent or so throttle. With 100 percent it is almost too easy and I won my first trial ever yesterday.

So, my apologies for being an idiot before. Next time I complain, I check my hardware first!



I’ve done this in GTA.

Hats off to your honesty !!!

It takes guts to admit your own mistakes like this. I hope the devs take notes… :wink:


It was like training with a weight vest. That’s amazing. Kudos for sticking it out and then realizing what went wrong. It’s funny because it seems like most people are just mashing that trigger hoping for 10-20% more throttle… and you actually found it. :laughing:



Hmmm. I never even knew those switches were there, or what they did. I’m not much of a drifter, but I might try dialing the throttle down a notch when I go drifting. Might help me stay on the road some instead of careening off into the weeds as I usually do.

We’ve all been there… haha
Well, at least I have