Exchange of custom road racing routes

I like to build tracks with a little bit of extra challenge. 90% precision driving and one dive through a marketplace or one jump. I find it creates a nice balance and this is Horizon after all!

Case in point:

3 of my favorite tracks…

Super-drive 3.5 miles, 2 min
Code: 376 968 225

Above is 3 laps dry and sunny. The turns require precision and you won’t find many chances to cut corners.
I also have a 6 lap version and a wet weather version. Goal is best lap under 2 min in A class… 1:43 best so far in S1.
This track utilizes one curved wooden ramp to enable the transition from highway to country road, your time will be best if you find the line on the ramp that keeps your wheels in contact with it,
rather than flying away or hitting dirt.

Any-class city chase: 3 miles
Code: 481 634 176

Above has a nice use of the city (tight corners) as well as changes in elevation as you drive downhill to get to the city and uphill to get to the finish line.
This track has no ramps or jumps, just a bit of a challenge as you briefly navigate the marketplace. You won’t be cutting many corners in this one either.

5 miles, fast roads & big jump
Code: 100 622 943
This one let’s you stretch your legs… go ahead, drive it at 250mph, that’s what 50% of the track is designed for.
It has one absurdly joyful enormous jump that if you get it right, (at over 200mph) lands you on the road just ahead of the next checkpoint nulland you are back in road race mode with a series of chicanes taking you back to the finish.

I have worked hard on a special track that is 3 miles long and suitable for testing your road race skills and tunes…

1:30 best lap time so far in an S1
1:42 best lap time so far in an A

It has a 1 mile straightaway, 2 hairpins and several flowing turns that all add up to a tremendous fun challenge. It was challenging to construct because it is a kind of figure 8/mobius strip and loops back over the start/ finish line. I placed arrows and barriers in many places to guide the new driver around the track. If you get far enough ahead, you can end up in a head-on collosulision with drivers 1/2 a lap behind you!

It is my hope that it brings joy to others. :slight_smile:

Track name:

Bold Racetrack: <2 min a lap
Share code: 124 112 196

Some sweet tracks there, super thanks !

Is this thread still live? I have a LOT of my own trackd too that I want to share. I wonder if I can
