Event lab on festival playlist going in slow motion

Why is it every week play these every race seems to go in slow motion for parts, is this meant and if so why cause it ruins the race?

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It’s simply down to too many elements for your graphics to handle. Created and tested (presumably) by someone with a much higher graphics capability. I noticed the neon “BAR” sign was a particularly boggy one for me this morning.


That’s where I got it aswell worst, the other race seemed fine, I use Xbox so would think would work ok

Yeah I sometimes get graphics memory warning messages when running these eventlab races. And I’m running a RTX 3070 with 8gb memory and 32 Gb system memory. I could well imagine those on lesser hardware having slow downs.

The original Xbox One vs a Xbox Series X is a massive difference, though. Xbox isn’t just one thing.

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I made that track on an Xbox Series X and it works fine on that otherwise I wouldn’t have published it. Are you on last gen xbox?


I’m on a XSX & have no issues with it. Very well done btw.

I realize your question is directed at billym19121 but as I got the same bog it’s probably down to both of us being on last gen consoles. I accept that. And don’t really fault you. Just saying the game was built for it and it is still an active console.

I get people doing the best they can on their newest hardware, it’s what it’s there for, and very cool. And at least you did run it to make sure there were no issues. All I’m going to say to creators is maybe keep in mind that there are other players not on the top hardware spectrum and if it doesn’t hamper the vision, aim lower for wider compatibility.

My real issue is with PGG/T10 or whoever is picking the content to feature NOT doing due diligence (or any diligence likely) in choosing and testing candidates. So they push stuff that breaks the game in various ways. From overtaxing some supported hardware to messing with the setup (infamously changing the car type and PI in a couple cases iirc) and making the content less than ideal to unplayable, or nearly so.



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Yes on a last gen Xbox so that’s prob the problem for me, the track is brilliant just lags so spoils it, not your fault but forza should check to see if it will work on all active consoles,

I had a minor slowdown (barely noticeable) at the BAR on Xbox series X. Nothing really bad but lighting effects seem to be expensive. Super cool event, can’t imagine having the patience to pull it off!

Interesting. I could certainly be wrong and it’s down to something else entirely. I will say it hasn’t always happened to me in other event labs but has also happened in many with high lighting counts and some other elements (one where I smashed a bunch of pots atop a wall on tight corner was especially spectacular, and repeatable)

I tried to do the EventLab a few months back to get the Sports 800 and the game crashed 3 times trying to load it before I eventually gave up. Why would they choose to put something in the weekly playlists that people on hardware THE GAME WAS DESIGNED FOR can’t run?


My guess… they don’t test it first. At least not on actual lower level systems in the wild. Maybe they run it on their dev rigs in an insulated closed environment, very briefly, sometimes.


Yep,same here.XSX in performance mode.I’ve had stuttering in a few of the eventlabs of late,not just this one

That’s strange; I play in quality mode on XSX & have seen no issues.

That’s a complaint I’ve seen a few times, performance mode bad / quality mode good.

Interesting. A bit OT, but has anyone else been having issues with screen captures not uploading to the XB network? This started yesterday for me & still isn’t working.

I ran it again today and turned the view away when passing the BAR. Of course there was no stuttering so I tried with a different view and it seems to make a difference.

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Hey guys, thanks for your comments on my track. Last gen consoles do tend to have problems with night events because of the lighting - especially if there are lights close together, and that bar sign has about 20 lights, so not surprised it caused some issues. The only real solution is to drive in driver seat view.

With regards to featured Eventlabs being compatible for last gen… the problem with that is you will end up with not very impressive events. Recently they tried to address this by cutting the prop budget and all of us who make events reguarly couldn’t finish anything we were working on because they cut the prop budget in half - so they gave in and restored the prop count. I think you also have to accept that last gen hardware is 10 years old - try using any technology (pc, phone etc) that is 10 years old and see how well that works out! They should have released FH5 on new gen only but then people would have complained about that so I guess it’s a case of not being able to please everyone.

The simple solution that some of us have been pressing the devs to do for a while is to have a warning sign on any event that might cause problems on last gen. That way, you know what you are getting into. And if they feature a prop heavy event in the weeklies, then make sure the other one isn’t, so at least you have one to play.