Used on the Hammer Wagon in-game
They look a LOT better than whatever the Americans thought was necessary
Last time we saw any kind of Light customization was in Motorsport 1. This means the game engine would explode if they were to allow for this now, unless they’d use Front Bumper customization for that
Supra Mk5?
I forgot that car is even in the game. You officially have a point.
This would be a welcome upgrade on the 500 E! Perhaps as a street front bumper option?
While I’m really disappointed by the inaccurate AMG Hammer Coupe and Wagon Models (I need to test the 500E), I fully agree with Euro Spec headlights as cosmetic upgrades. I hate the North American car lighting regulations lol.
As expected, the topics were merged. We need separate Headlight/Front Bumper, and Trunk/Rear Bumper customization for these cars.
Add the GT500 to that list too