Essentials Edition vs Full Version

Forza 4 (Essentials Edition) came with my Xbox 360 S 2012 Holiday Bundle. There are a lot of cars marked as DLC which require separate purchases to play as, but since it is the Essentials Edition it got me wondering… instead of buying all the DLC, would it be better to purchase the regular, full version of Forza 4 instead? What is included with the full version that isn’t in the Essentials Edition?

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Google Forza 4 Essential Edition and you can see which DLC you need to equal the full Forza 4 game. You can check the cost of all the DLC at the Microsoft store. The full Forza 4 game is less than $30USD at Amazon, probably about the same price at the local WalMart, if they still have it in stock. Without knowing all the prices of the DLC, I’d be willing to guess buying the full Forza 4 game would be cheaper.
There’s plenty of DLC to buy with the full game as well…

The full game has a second disc, if you have the essentials edition you can’t just borrow that disc for the content it won’t work (not that you asked, just saying ). Instead the content is found in a DLC. Once you get that DLC you have the full game.

I can’t see that essentials DLC possibly costing $30… and as far as I know (oddly enough? ) there is no special edition Forza with all the DLC content included .

Get the normal and i agree with you. why no s15 i need only got dumb s13

I’ve been able to find the Regular version of FM4 in the $20 bin at my local Eb games / Gamestop

I’m sure you could find it cheaper if you did some looking around but compared to buying the disk 2 content online it’s cheaper to just get the Regular version with 2 two disks

I was thinking about picking up Forza 4 for the sole purpose of increasing my rewards tier (Forza 5 was my first game in the series and I am maxed out at Tier 4). Not sure if I can get myself to do that much more grinding just for some free stuff… BUT, I was wondering, if all I am worried about is earning the rewards, is there any reason I need to buy the full version or can I pickup the ‘essentials’ version? Just looking for the cheapest way to ‘buy’ Tier 5… Thanks!

the essentials version is missing the Disk 2 content which some cars might be needed for achievements. You could just get the essentials but considering you can find FM4 in the $20 bin in a ebgames/gamestop id simply would recommend the full version as you get more for your money (plus FM4 is not a bad game at all). You can get the disk 2 content on xbox live but it costs more and for some reason the essentials version is setup to only really accept the disk 2 content from xbox live over a regular disk 2 install so again would recommend regular 2 disk version.