Every time I play a game a majority of the players I compete against seem to know where the higher tiered cars are against players like me and others who have to compete with lower tiered cars meaning tiers 1,2,3,4 and it makes it that much harder to win eliminator races and win the final showdown race. Speaking of the final showdown race, I was IMO cheated out of a victory in one game, I was clearly the first car at the finish beacon so I should’ve had the Chicken Dinner Achievement and Accolade but instead it was given to the second place finisher. Also, you should have the final drivers whether it be 8,7,6, or 5 all start at a neutral location within the arena circle for the final race. That way everyone has a fair shot at the win and doesn’t allow some of the drivers to have an unfair advantage which I feel is a common pattern/theme I’m seeing a lot of when it comes to the final showdown. Hope you can fix this issue ASAP
No, this wouldn’t be fair unless everyone was driving the same car. How it currently is you at least have a chance in slower cars by going in the predicted direction.
That sounds like a conspiracey theory - “them” against “us”. The car levels in drops are totally random. Nobody knows where the high level drops will be! However, experienced players know locations where drops may spawn. They might find more drops than a rookie and have consequently a higher possibility of good drops… The more you play, the better you get. Simple as that.
Absolutely not! Preparing for the final race is part of the game! Do you take a gamble with a direction and already build up some speed? Or do you wait until the finish is revealed? Or did you lose track of time and are stuck in the middle of the jungle? In Eliminator, you need a good amount of luck. And you need to take risks… If you do not like that, you’d better do online cross country races.
I really don’t see how the final race is in any way fair or tactical. I almost never play Eliminator, because I’m not into it, so I’ve only been in the final race part once. It was over like five seconds after the message popped. The winner seems like it is just whoever happens to be closest to where the finish point appears.
Imagine if regular races were like this, and it started every racer at a different point on the route, up to and including a few feet away from the finish line.
Well, then you were in a game with a teleporting cheater… Normally, the final race lasts maybe 40s to 1:30 min. Sometimes even longer when the finish is e.g. in Copper Canyon behind the mountain range or all the way in the south close to San Sebastian in the jungle.
No. The winner will be the one with the best mix of fast car, map knowledge, driving skill, experience and luck. I have won 400+ games. When I am in a final race, I have a 50% chance of winning. If victory were as random as you describe it, I would not play it. It’s my favorite game mode…
It was many months ago, so I don’t remember exact times. I’ll concede that five seconds was an exaggeration for emphasis on my part. For the rest, I can’t really argue with you. Like I said, I hate it and rarely play it so I’m certain your knowledge of Eliminator is better.
This game is a battle royale type of event until the last man standing. There is no ‘fairness’ involved and there shouldn’t be. The aim is to eliminate as many of the opposition as you can by any means possible. Get to the spawn line first before the other player and upgrade your chances. It’s vehicular warfare and it’s as simple as that. As others have said, the car drops are totally random, but experienced players will pick their starting point at locations they know may have some nearby. The levels are not set, there can be a level 9 at one location one game and the very next game a level 2. You can look at the position of the final circle on the map to best guess the final race location. That’s how some better players know where to be. You can also give yourself a better chance to level up by eliminating players at the right time, when the arena is shrinking, it’s best to be on the outside edges hitting players coming out. The finish will always be towards the opposite direction. The only thing that really needs adjusting imo is the huge gap between the car levels. The level 10s are just a joke and are mostly unbeatable by anything lower. Some of the supplied cars are just awful for their level. The Mexico map in general is not really suited to the mode, too much alternating terrain and far too many random objects to crash into. This is coming from a player who plays most days and is currently at 215 eliminator wins.
All this. Everything you’ve said. Massive amounts of luck with the first car drop and you’ve better chances and even then it’s a lottery of trees, rocks, hills and other players. If I find anything decent above a level 5 straight after spawn. I switch to search and destroy mode. Anything above a 7 and I’m generally winning that game.
I think there’s an argument for giving players the same car for the final race.
Let it be a straight up race across the terrain on skill alone.
I’m happy with the Eliminator as is - aside from the hacker question.
No, there’s no argument to be had when you consider Eliminator is essentially a BR mode (battle royale), where the purpose of BR has always been to upgrade your kit/weapons (cars) and eliminate everyone else to be the last wo/man standing.
The problem with Eliminator in FH5 as a BR mode IMO is you can only upgrade cars. Whereas in FPS BR you can upgrade a lot more from weapons, armor, health kits etc. I think FH5 eliminator would benefit from additional non car upgrades such as boosts, disablementa etc. Think Mario Karts but in Horizon. It would also help counter the boring flat map which is Eliminators biggest issue.
Yeah, being shackled by a dogma about what a ‘Battle royal’ ‘must be’ doesn’t interest me. It’s whether the player experience is improved or not by affording each player the same car in the final race - or some other improvement - that’s what interests me.
That said, I’ve had close battles towards the end of the eliminator so I’m not unhappy the way it is.
They could add additional games modes. One example is a slight variant of the Eliminator.
50 players all start on the same random spot somewhere on the map in the same lvl 2 car. Everyone will have to race to a random location on the opposite side of the map. Initially no one can move. Countdown from 10 to 0 then race begins. Last 20% of players to destination and eliminated.
Rinse repeat now with 40 players and lvl 4 car.
Keep going until everyone is in a lvl 10 car. It’s now a final race to the destination.
The neat thing with this is it can have it’s own modes. For example you can only drive off road for a total of 10 seconds otherwise you’re eliminated. Or each lvl there is a different type of car that all players must drive.
It’s also fair because everyone starts in the same spot, races to the same destination in the same car.
Think I’m on about 72 wins in Eliminator. There’s definitely a knack to playing it. For the final chase once you’ve played it a few times you can pretty much predict what direction the final destination will be and position yourself accordingly.
I think a rookie mistake for people playing the game is to start in the middle of the map. I always start near the map extremes and work my way in. Head to heads are then fairly predictable in the direction they will take.
I just had the mental image of a Mario Kart + Horizon game. It would be glorious.
Anyway, I’ve only ever played eliminator once. I never saw a car drop but I never encountered anyone either, so I finished above 30th place and got the points for showing up.
Two words for you OP… Git Gud. The more you play, the more you will have map knowledge and potential final race destination info. I have won 42 Eliminators out of 250 games played. Initially even I thought it was unfair, but tbh it’s totally fair with random amounts of luck thrown in for laughs.
Also, wait for December series Eliminator update as per various leaks. New Co-Op modes and new cars to drive in Eliminator are all rumored.
It amazes me how some people want to change the core concepts of a game mode that has been around for years now. The whole game is a preparation for the final race. And yet you want to magically put all survivors in the same car and teleport them to the same spot??? And that would not be confusing for new players? Or unfair for players who made an effort to level up their cars? Hiding in the jungle with your low level car would become the new meta… It’s called the Eliminator for a reason, not hide-and-seek !
Co sign… People looking for handouts on training wheels
I’m of the small minority that has yet to conquer the Eliminator.
I don’t necessarily think the mode should be changed/teleport all to same final/start place, but I’d love to win at least 1 time.
Been playing since day 1, and its literally the only thing I can’t achieve/win in this game, aside from the legendary painter accolades etc…
I’m not looking forward to a whole update based on this mode, but I also recognize its a game and not every aspect is going to appeal to every player.
oh well.
when it comes to campaign mode games should be “FAIR” in one way… you can beat the game on any difficulty. when it comes to “ONLINE PLAY” well then it becomes a free for all.
now i dont play the eliminator cause i really dont see a point to it. to me its just free roam with a time limit and no traffic cars.