Electric Pi presents: miscellaneous sillyness *Who says the Fiat 500 is a small car?*

Too wide for widebody:

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I really like the idea behind this one-;

Thanks! Believe it or not, the camera is not rotated in that shot; you can see the water line at the top of the picture. I liked the way the track behind the camera gave a stripey look to the car.

And I figure I’ll post a couple more pictures while I am posting:
This first pic has a much more interesting background.

The second pic I like the way the car looks a lot more. you can really see the extreme camber.

This weekends Forzathon gave the Carrera GT, and I’m “down” with that :wink:

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That is freaky looking! It looks like the car is giant :open_mouth:

This weeks Porsche:

An artistic shot:

and a goofy/artistic shot:

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I don’t know if they scaled the Holden correctly:

today’s dump:

First, CAMBER!

Bowler without wheel gap:




Drove the wheels off this silvia:

stanced this civic:

warp speed:

and extras:

Nice angle!

Thanks! I use that spot (by the info booth at the north end of the parking area for the beach in Surfer’s Paradise) a lot for 3 reasons; it’s close to a festival site, I think it makes a pretty good backdrop, and most importantly there is a map hole near by.

To get an angle like that, I first pose the car normally:
demo pose by Electric Pi’s Forza Pics, on Flickr

Then, use the map hole (I’m not going to say where it is, but it’s pretty easy to find if you look around there) to go under the map:

Then come up through the map right next to the car (once the camera starts moving through ground level, you loose the ability to move in any direction other than up). I stop moving up as soon as I can see pavement under the car, so there will still be weird under the map artifacts on the bottom of the frame:

Then it is just a matter of tilting the camera up to get those artifacts out of the frame, and sometimes zooming out a bit to get all of the car in the shot:

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Using that trick looks like it could result in some interesting shots once a range of settings have been tweaked. :slight_smile:

I know much less about putting together artistic shots than many on here, so I have to rely on my ability to make the game engine do interesting things to get pictures worth commenting on.

Today I have a not-so-mini:

side by side of how low you can make a Venom GT (stock is on the left):

and a low angle, back-lit, B&W shot of a 944:

A little light photoshoping:

and a slightly different version (no photoshop on this one):

side view:

and rear view:

and a 944 shot for good measure (The brakes sure are good):

I decided that the bronco was too low:

so I raised it up:

I liked that, so I jacked up the Escalade too:

But it seemed too small, so… well… this:

Now that’s a monster truck!

I wish I could combine my techniques so I could get that shot with the extra 2-3 inches of lift in the other pictures. Alas, the two techniques are mutually exclusive; the “giant” vehicles can only be shot with ride height in the range that can normally be set.

It looks like Godzilla has a challenge to overcome. :stuck_out_tongue: