I agree with the hood view guys,i get my best times with hood view,however the cockpit view guys have a point,it has more immersion,i use it when i just want to enjoy racing.
I just can’t drive with the cockpit view due to already having a steering wheel in front of me and then seeing one on the screen. It just messes me up. I do however, go into cockpit view the first time I drive a new car just to see what it looks like and hear the car from inside the cockpit.
I use the cockpit view myself… Just used to it, as I have been playing since the GTR2 days. For me its the best while racing,
I enjoy the hood view and overall it seems to have the best engine sounds (to me). Recently I have been running rivals a bunch to get better times and find better lines, etc. Since doing 40-50 lap rival runs I have started to notice I run faster and clean more consistently in bumper view. I think it has to do with running many of my laps late at night with the sound really low, this leads to not being able to use engine nose/RPM to judge turn in points, breaking points and throttle control. I think the bumper view is helping make up for this due to the more dramatic perception of car speed/lateral slide. Now when I run hood view the same cars feel slower even when running comparable times.
I think I am going to have to start using chase view in multiplayer to try and mitigate the ram/bam crashem’up crowd that is trying so hard to make multiplayer miserable and pointless. As it is now in hood or bumper view they crash me before I can take evasive steps or compensate to offset their blow.
I use chase cam, hate cockpit view
Closed cockpit = hood view
Open cockpit = cockpit view
Use RVM/RS to look around to see who’s around. Only time I cannot check my blind spot is in heaving braking zone. If I see a car dive-bombing on the inside I leave room and take a long way around.
Since Forza 2 I’ve used furthest chase cam, but switched to bonnet view on 5. Like OP I wasn’t accelerating quick enough and over correcting in chase cam.
It is dicey online as you can’t see to the sides but have noticed major problems.
If cockpit view was set a bit further forward allowing more of a view I would use that but its too cramped.