I’ve been playing H4 for a while now and I finally fixed the disconnection bug I’ve been getting so I’ve been able to play Online Drift Adventure. I knew the ranks of cars and requirements for each drift match and upgraded and tuned each car to have ready for whatever mode, a,b, s1,s2 etc etc but it appears that when I select the car I’ve spent time on getting perfect for me that I can’t even use it in D.A without it appearing stock. I don’t understand this. How can I drift an A class car I like that has stiff, stock settings? Some stock engines in B or A class don’t have powerful enough engines to drift through an apex so upgrading it to a turbo or something else that can spool up faster just makes sense. I tried googling and searching forums to see if Motorsport posted anything about D.A but I couldn’t find anything. Do they remove certain tune settings or all of them? If I make upgrades to a vehicle, do all parts just get converted back to stock or only specific ones. If they aren’t going to change how the game is and how its community wants it then I would at least like to know whats permitted and what isn’t so I can try my best to work around it.
If you have tuned a car for drift adventure, be sure to choose this particular car at the start. If the class is A800 for example you are shown all of the cars you own which fit into this catagory. If you have dozens of A class cars and the countdown is ticking you may accidently pick the wrong car. I have given some cars special liveries so they are easy recognizable.
The chosen car has the tuning you have made or downloaded (or stock if you chose the wrong one) - just double check everything is OK before starting the search for drift sessions.