I’ll bet Turn-10 is quite embarrassed this happened to him. In all fairness they did help him out in some way with cash or cars. Many many people have lost their saves along with countless other bugs. When i switched installed HDD for the game I too would have lost everything which would have been devastating to me. Luckily because i am a very methodical and thorough person, i backed up my save file prior and when it came time the Microsoft cloud failed me; its not a straight forward save file either. I’m on PC. Here is how to backup: (make sure to check the box to see hidden files in the folder options) C:\Users\yourprofile\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.OpusPG_randomnumbersandletters\SystemAppData
The wgs folder in here is your save. Its a very large save (mine is 155MB) containing all profile data including cars, liveries and tunes. Just copy the WGS folder and all contents to a secondary location (I have a backups folder on my PC) and put it in a folder with a date on it. Periodically perform this backup, do not delete the old backup in case of corruption somewhere along the way, better to have multiples. Should you ever need to revert, close Horizon, Delete the WGS folder and replace with your WGS backup, do not choose if it asks, to download or sync with the cloud as it may overwrite in some cases. If anything goes wrong in this process, you still have a backup to try again. Don’t delete the original backup, safekeeping. Please up vote so this doesn’t happen to others. Seeing this video made me go make a backup immediately. Good luck all.
I hope he writed a “nice” long letter to devs. Ppl here talking about save corruption for (i think) a 1-2 weeks already…
Am I right in thinking that there’s no way to back up saves on Xbox One, other than to download from the cloud?
Did some quick research before i posted. I dont think so. They consider the could a backup, which it isnt. thge cloud will backup a corrupted save just as a legitimate one and copy over the previous good save. I dont own an xbox (luckily) but i would try to connect an external/usb stick and see if you can copy the game save data onto it.
its very hard to actually lose your save unless you play solely offline and your hd crashes, when people do lose their save its usually due to impatience- spamming buttons on startup instead of waiting for cloud to sync etc,at this point he shouldve known better, I smell a publicity stunt…even if a new game starts loading, you are still able to quit game,delete console save manually then restart online and it will ask you if you want to sync last cloud save on record, mind you this process could take hours,this is where the majority go wrong,not waiting for the process to finish, xbox peoples’ best bet if they are paranoid it to have someone they trust load up the game on their xbox with your profile so there’s a backup save on their console they can sync back up to cloud for you if need be.
That’s a lot of misguided here-say and correlation = causality, you should know better. Even if button mashing is the culprit, still a Turn-10 issue, not user. So quick to defend the devs, when the user is the paying customer with a legitimate issue. And for the record, my cloud save failed me as noted in the original post, there was no button mashing involved, i walked away for an hour. Luckily i backed up a hard copy. To your second flawed point, the cloud will backup a corrupted save just the same as a legitimate one, it cant tell the difference, thereby copying over a potentially viable save in the cloud; hence its not a backup, its a sync. That’s what happened in his case. Also HDD can spit out bad data before it fails, corrupting saves as it goes which are then synced. The cloud is not a backup. Its best to have incremental backups for this game.
Know who you are speaking of, first. This person is somewhat a Legend with this series, and I highly doubt he would be impatient or spam such.
Sometimes S literally happens with this game. Happened to me on FH2. Yes, I know better too.
Tampering, moving , copying your save file can trigger anti cheat measures and result in your inability to play the game. Please do not cross post on the forums. https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst94939_Don-Joewong-Song-Lost-his-entire-save---Here-s-how-to-backup.aspx