I’m trying to prepare for either my xbox one being screwed, or my 4 mo old external hd being messed up?
Any hardware experts out there?
I’m trying to prepare for either my xbox one being screwed, or my 4 mo old external hd being messed up?
Any hardware experts out there?
Both Forza Horizon 2 and FH6 do this for me if loaded to my external WD Passport. No other games have trouble loading textures quickly, including FM5 but those two simply will not cooperate.
I have zero issues with my seagate 2tb external. Also check in settings if the hard drive is powered off when the console is off. I leave mine on along with instant on, but always quit the game apps. Recently had a black screen of death on my launch console after dealing with the rock band 4 legacy dlc issues. It does take up to 5 min for the Xbox to read through over 1500 individual pieces of content when initially connected though. The offline recovery tool reset the console to factory and I have a no issues since. I’m skeptical of the Nov. 12 update being smooth.
It was a sign of impending death for my X360, but I haven’t seen it on my Xbone. I use an external 500GB Samsung SSD
Impossible to tell. Transfer the game to the XBHD and then you’ll know.
External drives should be largely all the same, but sadly some are cheap for a reason. My friend had this issue until i took my external hybrid drive to show him how it “magically” disappears if you spend slightly more on a decent HDD the first time around.
Also what SMOKEZERO said about the HDD power settings is good advice. Check it, and set it to opposite of what it currently is to see if that fixes it. As there are some issues with external drives.
Lastly, Hard reset your Xbone.