DLC Points not showing up on Forza Rewards

A while ago a purchased the FH2 Complete Add-On Pack. When i looked on forza rewards it said that i had only bought 2 pieces of DLC. does the complete pack only count as one or does it count each dlc separately and adds them to forza rewards.

if that is the case can you please fix my forza rewards and allow the points to show up.

EDIT I have sent this post to Turn 10’s twitter via DM

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Rewards program is broken and VERY inconsistent - Forza Rewards FAQ

I’ve got about 10% of what i should have received. My tier is off by two. Will this be fixed by 3’s release?

Similar situation with me.
Bought the Complete Add-Ons Collection for FH2 but no dlc is recognised in forza rewards.
Turn10 please fix this.

Just noticed this for me as well, season pass, Porsche pack and everything else installed, and now my 100% record for Forza Horizon 2 is down to 97% hope it gets fixed soon.

i have the same Problem. Please fix it.

Message to ForzaMotorSport.Net team

I had already met the 3000 points of rewards ball Forza Horizon 2. But recently the game took 90 points of my sphere, even after I have filled the ball with 3000 points. The Hub of the game informs missing DLC’s points paid, but I already bought Storm Island, Porsche Expansion, Car Full Pass, and treasure map. I like to get my ball Forza Horizon 2 completely filled again. In my opinion it is unfair to have taken my points, I am a player who honors the franchise, and recently bought Forza Horizon 3 Ultimate Edition. You are displeasing me with these inconsistent attitudes, and I am considering leaving Forza MotorSport an Horizon if you continue with Negligence of this kind to me.

Please, For the Sun that brightens your day! Please check this error, please correct this error that has occurred with my profile Forza.

Ps. Other players have also noticed this same problem in their profiles.


Mensagem a equipe ForzaMotorSport.Net

Eu já havia preenchido os 3000 pontos da esfera de recompensas do Forza Horizon 2. Porém recentemente o jogo retirou 90 pontos de minha esfera, mesmo após eu ter preenchido a esfera com os 3000 pontos. O Hub do jogo informa que faltam pontos de DLC’s pagas, mas eu já comprei Storm Island, Porsche Expansion, Car Pass inteiro, e mapa do tesouro. Eu gostaria de obter minha esfera do Forza Horizon 2 preenchida completamente novamente. Na minha opinião é injusto ter meus pontos tirados, sendo eu um jogador que prestigia a franquia , e recentemente comprei Forza Horizon 3 Ultimate Edition. Vocês estão desagradando-me com estas atitudes incoerentes, e estou cogitando abandonar Forza MotorSport an Horizon se vocês continuarem com descasos deste tipo para comigo.

Por Favor, Pelo Sol que ilumina seu dia! Por favor verifiquem este erro, por favor corrijam este erro que vem ocorrendo com meu perfil Forza.

Ps. Outros jogadores também tem notado este mesmo problema em seus perfis.

I’m very grateful that you have made repairs in my sphere Forza Horizon 2. By the way, I ask you to verify the correct spelling of my favorite car Huracán, which is spelled incorrectly in the skirt of my achievements in my profile on Xbox LIVE . And in Forza Horizon Fast & Furious missed appear on my map 2 boards, my score stopped at 495/500. Boards Smashed 45/50. Thank you in advance for your attention.


Eu estou Muito grato por vocês terem feito os reparos em minha esfera Forza Horizon 2. A propósito, eu peço que verifiquem a grafia correta de meu carro favorito Huracán, que está grafado de forma incorreta na aba de minhas conquistas no meu perfil no XBOX LIVE. E em Forza Horizon Fast & Furious faltaram aparecer em meu mapa 2 boards, minha pontuação parou em 495/500. Boards Smashed 45/50. Desde já, obrigado pela atenção.