Display Lap Number and Car Position list in Replays [FM]

Please add a Current Lap display and Car List in the Replays.

  1. It can help people keep track of which lap you’re watching if you’re rewinding or fast forwarding to search for action you’re looking for. Also helps you not loose track of which lap you’re watching.
  2. Car List with their current positions helps you keep track of positions.
  3. Lap # and car list makes the replay look closer to what you’d see in any motorsports TV broadcast.
  4. When selecting the cars for the camera to follow is currently ordered by finishing position, so kinda unintuitive when trying to switch the camera to watch, say the next car in #2 at that time in the replay, but can’t find it and have to look thorough the list because it finished in a much different place like at the back.


Without this info, replays are somewhat useless IMO.

Yesterday, for the first time since the launch, I finally took a look at the last saved replays, as those of the online races did not work in the first period, and I noticed these shortcomings in spite of myself:

  1. there is no informative HUD during the replay
  2. it is not possible to know the current lap number
  3. it is not possible to know the ranking position of the selected driver and opponents
  4. it is not possible to see additional information such as tyres fitted, fuel capacity for the cars that are displayed

All in all, the navigation of the replay is very uncomfortable, it is not possible to speed up the time but only to go back and forth in unidentified chapters.

In general the replays as they are are useless, at least add a HUD with the required features.

Thank you.

Replays must contain all drivers.

From the start to the finish line, not ending when my car completes the last lap and the other 20 cars are still in the race.


Replays need to be completely renewed, the current one is useless.


Literally Gran Turismo 4, a 2004 game, had more information in its replays than Forza Motorsport, a game from 2023. And the 2023 game seems to have the same replay functionality as Forza Motorsport 3, which launched in 2009, and not too many more options than Motorsport 1…

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Please, improve the replays as mentioned above, we need a more informative interface for replay and more controls during replays.

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It would also be nice to be able to lock the UI from showing up while manipulating a replay.

For example. I’m creating video content, and I want to screen record a replay while changing camera angles or moving the angle of the inside car view while the replay is playing, without having the replay toolbar pop up in the bottom of my screen.

This could really allow for some cool editing and entertaining replays.

I also add another request to the first post: replays must contain all drivers.

From the start to the finish line, not ending when my car completes the last lap and the other 20 cars are still in the race.

Forza Motorsport’s Update 11 added dynamic position changes and race data, a lap counter, and a driver info panel:

This topic reached 37 votes, making it a top 20 request in the Menus & Interface category.

New camera types, as well as live spectating for multiplayer races, will be added in a future update. For other replay related suggestions, open a new topic for each specific HUD or functional feature.