Different type of weather conditions on tracks - question

Hello everyone, I’m not sure if anyone else has thought about this or wondered why. I spend a lot of time on Silverstone in-game as it’s a home track of mine a go there regularly and the weather/sky is always bright and sunny but in Forza it’s always been a dark and gloomy track like a storm is about to hit.

This sort of thing happens on a lot of track in previous Forza titles as well as the current Forza 5. Is there a reason why Turn 10 does this on certain tracks?

Hopefully Silverstone will be sunny one day.

I don’t really like Silverstone for that very reason. So cloudy…almost depressing :smiley:
I prefer the older version from Forza 3, a bright blue sky, some clouds here and there but not as much as in Forza 5.

By the way, to answer your question I think they do this to give tracks more character. Hopefully one day we will get rid of these static conditions with an awesome, full day/night cycle.

I think its intentionally designed that way because Silverstone does throw up some varying weather during races especially F1.
But as Fruria hinted on, it would be cool to have a dawn, afternoon, evening, dusk, night option with weather options of clear, cloudy, wet, storm conditions with lightning flashing every so often. The lightning would be super cool in the night races.

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When they laser scanned the track for the Xbox One, there is a very good chance the weather was kind of sucky and so they went with it.