Different augmented reality helpers for braking zones and turn apex instead of racing lines

Dear Forza Motorsport Team!

Thanks for the enjoyable game. I would like to suggest a few things to make the game even more enjoyable and accessible. I really like the augmented reality things that you put in Forza Motorsport 2023 like, ribbon/cones for track limits, and also the 3D dynamic racing lines.
My suggestions are a kind of substitute of the racing lines that I believe will help in faster learning of any tracks and a more accessible racing for newbies.

Suggestion 1: Augmented reality lines across the track showing distance before turn

In racing tracks, usually there’re blocks of numbers that shows distance to the turn like [200] and then [100] and then [50], etc. Also the blocks if shown at the left side, then it means the turn is to the right. Just like this, I suggest to have an augmented reality horizontal lines that corresponds to the distance before the turn. Moreover, show the distance number on the left or right of the line depending on the immediate turn direction with the turn number too.

             |                       |
             | (T1) 50               |
  left side  |-----------------------|  right side
track limit  |                       |  track limit
             |                       |
             | (T1) 100              |
             |                       |
             |                       |
             | (T1) 150              | --> this means Turn 1 is to the right,
             |-----------------------|     and this is the 150 meter/yard line
             |                       |     (depending on the track localization
             |                       |     or something)
             | (T1) 200              |

Suggestion 2: Augmented reality marker showing the geometric apex of the turn

Just like the section title says, I suggest to put a marker at the geometric apex. If for example the turn is to the right, then the marker should be put on the right side of the track and vice versa. Also the turn number at the top of the marker will help a lot too.

      |                (T10)             --> The geometric apex of turn 10,
     |                   V  ____________     that is a right turn
    |                     /
    |                    |
    |                    |
    |                    |
    |                    |

Closing Remarks

These suggestions is very targeted to newbies I know, but just like the rewind feature and other assists, this will make Forza Motorsport even more accessible I think.
I think, these suggestions is like an in between of using the racing lines (full/only braking zone) and turning off the racing lines completely.
I can imagine that using these, newbies like me can be eased to learn any tracks without much cognitive burdens.


HUD, UI, Racing Assists, Accessibility


Please forgive if these have been suggested before.