Didn't receive the Mercedes C63 Forza Edition reward from forzathon

I completed the forzathon and did not receive the reward car. I see other people have had the same issue with the most recent forzathon. I am submitting this in case it is reviewed manually since I would like to receive this reward eventually. I continued with the other forzathon challenges and those rewards have been applied without issue (other than the mercedes FE)

Did you actually happen to read the responses in the other 50 threads also

Take Screen shot of completed event then email Forzafb@microsoft.com with problem and your Gamer Tag

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Got the same problem, completed the forzathon and did get no car. same with the september vip challenge, didn´t get the MG.

for my part i got this car without prob , one thing important before completing a forzathon is watching if you have well acces to rivals best time, multi,auction house. (there is a bug with servers and a lot of time when you start the game you don’t have acces,you need to wait 5/10 mn before acces be ok) … This is what happened to me for the Lambo aventador… forzathon was ok but impossible to have the car…“message who said to try later”… but after many retry impossible to have the car… since this time, i watch before completing a forzathon if i have well acces to rivals best time, auction house, message… and since that, no prob, i have all the forzathon price. ;
For me that works fine, i hope that will be the case for you too and for all members. :slight_smile:
oh: sometimes that take a few minute before to have the car, just wait, and if you have a message who says “try later” clic one more time on the forzathon icone, and your price will be available. :wink:

ps: sorry for my English…