I did the challenge and said there was an error and says I competed it but no car plz i have pics to prove it and dont know how to upload them plz fix this
I had the same problem not getting the 2012 Mercedes Benz C63 AMG coupe black series Forza Edition as I had the same problem with the server over the weekend and when I tried again I got the million credits but not the car. But it’s saying I’ve completed it.
Anyway to get this car now?
Same Problem here, finished some challanges, got every reward except the Mercedes-Benz. Please fix that and please Hand out the car.
Same problem, did not get the 2012 Mercedes Benz C63 AMG coupe black series Forza Edition reward. Please fix it.
I didn’t get the million credits despite fulfilling the requirements AND getting the little blue 1 pending reward thing over the Forzathon box in the main menu.
When I went in to claim it hung on the “Please wait” screen forever.
If you completed a Forzathon and didn’t receive the reward, please email forzafb@microsoft.com with your gamertag and the name of the Forzathon challenge in question.