The easiest thing to do guys is keep a second car for a different tune, otherwise it can be very difficult to deal with.
That being said you might want to go thru some of your cars and check. You want to look at front camber / tire pressure before and after in the front. Remember it still loads the rear so expect that to always change.
Any word on a fix or an update to this? If there was an update I would imagine you would have to go back and download all of the tunes again as well. This is a huge issue to say the least.
I wonder how many tuning contests this has had an effect on as well?
How many other issues are there that we do not know about?
As far as I know this has been happening since other Forza games. Load the tune you want to use. Then load it again. The tune should be correct if you load it twice before using it. This worked on other Forza games.
I was saying this month ago because same thing happens with drag tunes. You load a tune that worksokay then you load another and then go back to the first tune and it completly changed on its own, when i posted a thread then it got locked
Yeah it’s very easy to look at / verify, the front end will have default camber and tire pressure, removing tune and deleting all tunes+ re downloaded intended tune seems to fix it. It has nothing to do with PI and shows the correct pi.
Basically you need a car for each tune so you don’t encounter the issue.
Maybe it’s not considered a “game breaker”.
I’ll give them a couple of months, if no corrective action is taken maybe I’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Your good people FOOT but (to me at least) this is egregious and we as a community should not stand for this. Im not saying folks have to go all Mass Effect 3 ending on Turn 10 but with the controversy that followed this title from day one we should demand it be fixxed ASAP. Being able to load a saved tuned is as important as reasonable car pricing and ample career rewards.
You know i thought I noticed this a while back when hotlapping in x class as i was using the same car and constantly swapping tunes for tracks and sometimes trying 2 tunes for the same track and then going back to the first one that the front seemed off. the car seemed to often understeer or just not have the grip i remembered it having. i never checked telemetry on this as i didnt think it was necessary. Now amazes me i was able to set some of the times i did knowing that i was essentially running only a half of a tune. Ugh now time to go back to some of these tracks and try again as I know they can be improved.
thankyou very much for this info. I could’nt understand whilst racing a rival with the exact same tune that his car was performing much better than mine. Thanks Foot for the input aswell. Its a great feeling now my car behaves how it should. Thought it was me at first and i was getting to old and it was time to retire. This is by far the worst bug in the game and was nearlly responsible for me quitting forza for good. Definitely a game breaker imo.
There must be an outstanding issue with downloaded tunes. Today I purchased 2 completely different additional cars and proceeded to get build/tunes (one for each car). When I unlock to check the parts, I am able to see the checks on the parts I just purchased through the downloaded tune, yet, in both cases, even though I see a check mark on some parts (ex. CS on a M1) I hit the A button to select, it makes the noise like it is sleeted but does not change to a lock part icon, thus, I really can not pick the part. So no, for that car I will not be able to pick a CS. I have 2 other M1 in my garage that I can pick the CS. So what is wrong with the purchase of downloaded tunes (another SW glitch)? Where can I report this? I have had issue before and all I get from FM 5 is to come back to this Forum!!!
This is an old “legacy” bug. If a locked tune has the cent. Sup. and you install it on a new car, you can never reinstall it yourself. ALWAYS buy the aspiration upgrade before installing a locked tune and this won’t happen.