Did they fix the AE86?

In Forza 5 the Bodywork on the car could not be painted on. Even stickers couldn’t be placed on it.
Did they fix it in Horizon 2?

I only just thought of this. I missed painting the 86 in Forza 5, I would rather not get my hopes up but hopefully they have allowed us to paint the car fully.

Just watched a stream on Twitch where the guy tried to do this and sadly you still can’t paint those areas.

CraveOnlineGaming stream, I asked him that’s why he tried :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay I have just got conformation from someone with with a review copy. Unfortuantly you cannot paint over the black stripes of the AE86. Bit of a shame as it seems another great paint’able’ car has been put away again.

Hopefully with some feedback this could be changed.

Yeah just like all the paint and tune glitches in FM5 were fixed

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A bunch of paint glitches have been fixed in Horizon 2. So I don’t see why this cannot be changed, after all it’s giving people more freedom to create what they want.

Yeah I know they fixed them for FH2 but I doubt they will bother fixing them in FM5. T10 seem to have given up with FM5 completely now that FH2 is coming out which sucks because a lot of players haven’t given up on FM5 just yet. At least for another month anyway

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Hopefully after the release they could put a bit more effort back in to Forza 5. We hope.

Not sure if my game is glitched or if its a mistake on the developers part but the two tone paint is completely missing on the front bumper of my car. Just a soild flat back bumper is all it has. Ticks me off cause its been right since Forza 1.

It was like that in FM5 as well :frowning:

My car is Forza 5 has the stripe wrapping around the front bumper like it shound. Solid black in horizon. I’d post pics if I knew how.