Is there really no way to sort the design catalogue?
I have DL’d a bunch of cool designs but they are scattered like the wind in the catalogue so designs for the same car can be a the start of the list, the middle and the end. It gets tiresome to scroll ALL through to find designs for 1 specific car.
Seems there is no sort function or have I missed it? Thanks fellow racers
Sadly the filing capabilities leave much to be desired. The is no logical system, it’s largely based on a timeline; the oldest being at the far end of the list. In general I find the menu navigation very poorly designed and absolutely user un-friendly.
I have to agree. It’s almost like Turn 10 asked Polyphony Digital to design it.
They just need to look at how they had it for Forza 4 and replicate that. I am glad you brought this up, total headache
As a painter I find the design most unwieldy. Even pasting in FM4 filing system would bring no improvement as it’s basically the same as we already have. I do feel we ought to have a proper filing menu to help manage the volume. As a compromise you can collect together up to 3000 layers worth in one vinyl ‘group’ to cut down on huge amounts of scrolling. But even this has its own disadvantages.
As time passes I am missing the auction house and storefront more and more.