Deletable preplaced assets

  1. Make Preplaced Assets DELETE-ABLE! Like for example the orange cones blocking the different layouts of the track area of the main horizon festival. Or random light poles/bushes. Doesn’t have to be everything but small in game assets would be great. I find myself constantly having to build around them and it’s annoying.

How about the one cross country event that takes place in the western part of Guanajuato, right in the center of a plaza? It is completely useless to eventlab creators since there’s a whole ton of props in the way which we cannot remove nor build around.

Cross country in general is pretty awful as the pre-made routes have large paths cut through the forests which we cannot create. I recall a time when a bunch of us set up a custom route for CC’s longest point to point race and we kept running straight into forests with no clear way through.