December DLC Cars

The Mclaren is the only car on here that people actually seemed to want. Why give us crap cars when we don’t even want them? Give us something new with a lot of hype,and maybe there would be less people posting wish list threads! Maybe something new that everyone is talking about, the new z/28, the hellcat, etc. Honestly,this is probably my least favorite and most disappointing car pack yet.

Since when is “ćrãp” a bad word?

Not a good idea going around the word filter - it’s there for reason.

Second, none of the cars in the pack are ‘bad’ as you say. In fact they’re all really good cars even if they’re not cars that you necessarily wanted.

As for people posting wishlists, i’s not because the game has bad cars. That’s because they don’t read the forum rules or even look around before posting. The “CAR WISHLIST THREAD” is within a couple threads of the New Post button and it’s stickied right there for a reason. Again, people posting wishlist threads has noting to do with the bad cars in the game - it’s, how do I put this nicely - let’s just say it’s not the cars in game. Also, keep in mind that each car put into the game has to be licensed from the manufacturer and that is not always cheap or easy. For that reason we don’t have Porsche, and we probably won’t have the plethora of obscure Brazilian cars people request all the time.




I LOVE THE 650 and the audi. I already did paints for the lotus and audi

Yep, nothing wrong with this car pack. It’s just cars that you didn’t want. Do you know anything about these cars? Have you ever driven them? If the answer is no to either, how can you be a judge on whether they’re decent or not?

It’s sad to see that people still complain, even when T10/PG actually go to the lengths to give us packs with a lot of new content. But then again I suppose people complained for every DLC in FM4. They didn’t know how lucky they had it…

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I’ve been playing these games for a few years now, and every time a DLC pack is released I see these complaining posts, and not just here. Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, pretty much everywhere and it’s making me a bit sad. I just don’t understand it.

Don’t get me wrong, there are dozens of cars I wish were I the games, and I could probably name hundreds that I wouldn’t mind seeing added. But for me, ANY new addition, regardless of what it is, is a welcome addition. It’s what these games are about for me: lots of varied, realistic cars to muck around with. Also, I’ve learned stuff that I never would have if the available cars were just ones I had specifically requested. For instance, despite being an admitted car bore, I’d never heard of Donkervoort or Local Motors until FH2 came out, and I never would have bothered asking for a Land Rover Defender 90 or a Cadillac Escalade because they’re not cars that particularly excite me in the real world. Turns out they’re actually pretty good cars that are fun to play with. Maybe I’m simply a minority but I’m happy to have the option to add more content to my game.


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