I’ve been seeing these cheat routes in FH4 and FH5, and they apparently count for seasonals and Festival Playlists. It’s a bit saddening to know that people can be able to cheese the rewards (and maybe the main progress itself) through those routes. I even feel guilty for using a few of them.
So, I propose that custom events for a route should NOT count as progress. Sure, you can use them for XP or Credit farming, but that’s it. If you want to officially complete the event, use the Horizon Presents route.
…or how about not? It’s very irritating having to waste your time running the same old races for the umpteenth time in a particular car in order to complete a seasonal task. It amounts to busywork and little else. Why not save time and use a custom route that lets you check it off in a few seconds? It’s not like you’re avoiding any difficulty, as you could always crank things down to Tourist and win by default; it’s just saving some time.
Also, for the record, I don’t think custom routes trigger seasonal tasks in FH5 like they do in 4. At least I’ve never had any success doing so.
You do make a good point. I guess its the nature of the playlist nowadays to be a chore.