Custom paint job for skyline r34

Hi my painting skills are terrible would love to have a custom job for my skyline. YT XII on the spayjob and pics of diamonds as it’s my last name I would be grateful and owe u forever. I know someone could pull off a sic job. Black with red and white or silver

This is my favorite car to paint… I have some projects ahead of this but I can help, send me some reference photos and I’ll hook you up when I get these others out of the way

Your a legend ok I’ll send some pics thank you

Hey pistol poet ok something like this down the sides of the car would be cool.

or more simple images like this

as long as theres some sort of diamonds.
Would really appreciate XII slapped in a couple of places as in the roman numerals for 12.
Maybe my gamertag some where and defintley S.Diamond some where
Really like Black cars with Red decals.
Of course these are all just ideas do as much or little as you like.
Use your artists perception.
Have seen some of your work before so really excited you said you will do something when you get time. Enjoy!
Thank you again

R34 or R35 which ever is easier for you

Just downloaded your celica paint job that is some crazy s#it

Thanks so much man glad you like my work… I try to keep up w these juggernauts… I’m not the best but I try… Don’t worry brotha I’ll hook you up

Thanking you

In progress buddy hang tight :wink:

Your the man