Continuing championship races in Hot Wheels

So I’ll enter a new championship in Hot Wheels and it will show three or more locations for the championship but it never takes me directly to the next race after I finish the first race.
It even seems as though the name of the championship changes so it isn’t as easy as finding it on the map.

What I often do is pause the game, go to another app and come back to hear Anna say, “You were in the middle of a championship. Would you like me to take you there now?”
Why doesn’t that happen after the first race?! And selecting the “drop down” Anna options don’t seem to help.

Any input greatly appreciated.

The races in the championship are highlighted…or should be


you can always filter the map to highlight ONLY current championship


Left bumper. Uncheck all, check current championship

If, after you do this and the map is blank, exit map and re-enter


Thanks so much everyone - really appreciate it! Haven’t been able to play last couple of days but I’ll try tonight. Thanks again!!

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I think the on going championship locations are a little bit bigger icon than the rest. If you’re like me, with bad eyesight, it wasn’t really jumping out at me, that and they can be spread all over the map. I didn’t realize you could even filter the map for anything until i saw it mentioned here, now I use that a lot!