Constant network messages

I keep getting a message at the top of my screen saying “Due to network problems, unable to connect to the game server at this time”. I press X to retry and it just says “unable to join session”. Is this just teething problems on the FH4 servers? I checked my Xbox internet connection and everything is fine. Btw I don’t have Gold.


I’m having similar problems when trying to retrieve cars/money from auction house, saying their server is down please try later, i’n sure they’ll sort it out

I keep losing connection to Horizon Live. I go to do some missions like Fastest Car, then come out of them 5-10 mins before the top of the hour (Festival get ready message 5m before the hour), then don’t get a message, check in the menus and find it is prompting me to connect back to Horizon Live :frowning:

server issues seem to still be going on. cant download any tunes or designs. and cant open forzathon tab… im glad to know im not the only one having issues

I’m getting the same error as you. The message pops up constantly.

I have the same as you guys.

I too had this issue and it seems as though the cause was that the update they seem to have rolled out for the official release didn’t install. Once I installed the patch, everything worked fine.

Worth a shot :slight_smile:

I get the new update but still have the problem,no auction house,multiplayer etc.

The issue I keep getting is “Unable to connect to the Forza Horizon 4 Servers at this time. Try again later.” Every time I try to form my rally club

Hey everyone. I got this game on Saturday & had this issue UNTIL I got a xbox live gold membership… Im a playstation guy & mostly use it for Forza cause its the best racing game ever, lol. Don’t know if you have gold or not but letting you know what fixed it for me. Good Luck.

I am also seeing the same message, even after the update a couple days ago. This error pops up every few minutes unless I choose the “go solo” option.

If it is simply a matter of getting a Gold membership, THEY [blanking} NEED TO TELL US THAT and stop with this useless, annoying message. I’m okay if they tell me I should buy Gold to get some fancy feature, but this annoying message bugs the living {blank} out of me and makes me think it’s bug.

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I wouldn’t waste any more money on this lemon.
Paying out more money just so this game “MIGHT” work better is not something I’m willing to do.
I get this server issue constantly (every time I play) but only with this game so it’s obvious that THIS GAME is broken. It’s no different on the PC either.
My game also takes up to 30 minutes to sync saved data at the beginning of a session too & usually every second sign-in attempt fails as well.
Then when I do finally get it up and running online, at least 90% of the time the game is unable to log me into a session.
When you can’t get online this game is boringly bad. In all honestly, Drive Club was not this bad.

I too am in this boat. :frowning:

Same problem here. My gold ran out about 4 days ago.

Out of interest, the people who can only play Horizon Solo, are you also not seeing anything other than Gamerscore update on the rewards site? I’m wondering if the two things are linked, or if it’s just coincidence that I have both problems.

im level 91 ingame rewards says 2 only gamerscore up to date

Its driving me crazy plus not being able to collect credits from the auction house without getting told the server is down every time I try

Last update seems to have fixed my situation.

Last update fixed this original issue for me. My version is now 1.197.907.0. Don’t remember what it was before. I also do not have Gold.

What’s going on with the server ? Can’t race online or freeroam in Forza horizon 2-3 and 4, ?